12. An enemy of an enemy is always my friend..

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                           👑 12th of May 2020 👑

Imani slurped her flavoured milk and stared at her tray absent mindedly, the chicken salad stared back at her defiantly, but Imani paid no notice..

she was in the cafeteria on the second floor of her campus which over looked the busy Colombo roads at midday through the giant glass walls, Amidst the usual bickering of the students,the tables placed along the edge of the glass walls, facing the road side usually gave her solitude and peace while she enjoyed her lunch breaks..

She has resumed her studies a week back and was perfectly on track.. even if her classes were usually on the fourth and seventh floor, Imani always preferred the cafeteria on the second floor merely because of the view..

But today even the breath taking view had to try a bit harder to capture the girl's attention because her mind kept drifting back to one specific incidents which took place a few days ago..

Imani and Muradh were out shopping at the mall, while Imani was busy amongst the book racks, walking through aisles, Muradh stood at the counter lazily flipping through a business today magazine..

Imani stopped in her tracks when an exuberant voice broke the serene silence of the book store..

"Aiya (brother) is that really you?" A girl clad in a peach colour hijab looked at Muradh expectantly..

Imani edged towards Muradh who had his back to her..

she trudged in gaiting steps all the while listening to the girls bickering..

"Aiya were you in Colombo all this time? oh gods, I cant even believe my own eyes.. I am so so glad I met you aiya.." she talked on animatedly while Muradh stood rooted on his spot..

Imani reached them and put her hand on Muradh's arm who seemed too dazed to acknowledge her presence ..

the girl shifted her eyes towards Imani, scanning her from top to bottom. eyes raking over her jeans, her tee and finally resting on her face.. The girl's face fell..

"aiya, you're still with her?" he questioned shrilly while Muradh still maintanined his stoic façade..

"you do know that she is your downfall.." she spat disgustedly, a heavy bitterness edged her voice.. with that she was gone, not sparing a glance back..

Muradh stood frozen on his track, staring voidly, while Imani's confusion knew no bounds..

"Muradh,.." she called out.. bringing him out of his lone stupor, looking at her he smiled quickly..

"funny isn't she.." he chuckled.. "I think she misunderstood me for someone else.." he shook his head but his eyes said otherwise..

"you sure? the way she spoke, it was as if she knew you for ages.." Imani Implored..

"yup pretty sure, I have no idea who she is.." he mumbled suddenly turning his attention to the books in her hand.. "so if you are done, shall we make a move?" he asked for which Imani nodded.. he plucked the books out of her hand and made way to the counter..

Later that day, Imani  brought up this topic with the hope of peeling some information from him.. but he simply waved her off saying that she didn't have to worry about other girls trying to hit on her husband because he had eyes only for her..

she was hardly bothered about that.. the girl didn't seem like she was trying to make a move on him.. besides she called him "aiya" (elder brother).. it wasn't so difficult to connect the dots that something else was the case.. nevertheless she gave into Muradh's claim that she mistook him for someone else..
since that day a distant look settled upon the pair of brown eyes she has come to love, they seemd to be drowning in rivers of buried melancholy which greatly worried her..

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