16. Some heroics..

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Imani ran her hands along the hard bound books stacked neatly in the massive shelves along the library walls..

She was bursting with euphoria, drowning her self in the ambience of the solace the books offered, when  2 pairs of eyes peeped out of a shelf and before she could fathom what indeed was happening, the same 2 pair of hands were pulling her out of the library, shushing her pleas for information..

Imani held onto the railings down the stairs, out of the library firmly demanding the reason for her abduction..

"Make it quick Imani, we gotta escape while we can or we are dead meat" Azzu pleaded evidently flustered..

"Why? I didnt do anything to be slaughtered" said Imani incredulously

"Neither did I " Azzu grumbled back glaring  at Danish who for once looked scared out of his mind..

"Girls.. let's run now and discuss later?" He implored clearly wanting to escape the campus..

1 hour and a gazillion of staring contests later,  imani was still unaware of their sudden escape..
"Can anyone of you tell what indeed happened" Imani asked for the millionth time of the day..

"Danish happened" Azzu sighed  griping on to her glass of hot chocolate and kept on glaring accusingly at Danish..

"Azzu I swear..-" Imani started sternly when Azzu interrupted..

"Apparently someone wanted to play the hero and save the class from torments of Mr Silva's lectures, therefore locked him up inside the men's restroom..


"But Danish being the scaredy cat he is.. fears he might get caught when someone looks up in the cameras.. so thought to flee from the scene" Azzu spoke trying hard to stifle her giggles ..

"Seriously  Danish? Anyone can go to the restroom.. they dont know its specifically you.. seriously.. " Imani rolled her eyes..

"Exactly.. that's what I told him too" Azzu shook her head..

"You really are a scaredy cat Danish.." Imani giggled.. "for this you made both of us skip classes too"

"Easy for you to say Kandy kelle(Kandy girl)" Danish defended.." everyone can bury their noses inside a book but not pluck enough courage to do heroic stuffs..

"Locking a professor in the restroom isnt exactly heroic colombo kolla(colombo guy).." Imani snapped.. "and for your information I've done better "heroic stuffs" than you can imagine" Imani grumbled air quoting the words  "heroic stuffs"

"What??? " both of them chorused clearly astonished..

"What could you have done Imani, the most of it would had been bunking classes right??" Danish challenged..

"Ever set fire crackers off under a teachers chair?" Imani asked, her eyes taking on a mischievous glint..

"Whoaaa.. you are making it up.." Danish countered though Imani could tell that he was impressed..

"Did that in the 9th grade kiddo.."

"Ever disclosed a teacher-peon romance infront of the whole school?
Ever went on a tour skipping special seminars and almost got dismissed?

Ever got caught up on the mango tree?


"No way " azzu marvelled ..You should have been expelled..

"Well I almost was.."  Imani laughed, a whole hearted one..

Azzu and Danish stared at each other..  they were confused on who this bubbly girl was.. this wasn't their moody silent friend..  but they were clearly enjoying this part of her..

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