20. Bits and bits of the puzzle

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                          💙 13th of August2021💙

Imani was blankly staring at the floor, her heart growing more numb by the passing seconds, mind drowning in the dilemma her life was thrown into in mere seconds..

"you want that missh?" she could have gone staring at the floor the whole day, if not for the intrusion of a tiny pair of hands shaking her out of her stupor.


" you were looking at my teddy for a long time.. you want them?" Hira extended her teddy at Imani, her eyes wide with bewilderment..

Imani looked back at the floor she was staring at seconds before and saw that it was strewn with Hira's toys , very little they were..

"you are giving it to me?" Imani questioned her back "you have very few.."

"ich okay. you can have them missh..you can have them all except my Emma doll.." she grinned cheekily..

Imani felt her spirits rising at her smile..

"why? give me your Ella doll.. I want that" Imani fake pouted.

"pleashh noo.. take my teddy and tweety.. not my Emma doll.." she pleaded, her lips quivering and eyes clouding with tears..

"Hey come here you.." Imani scooped her up from the floor and seated her on her lap, though at the age of 4, she weighted nothing and was terribly skinny..

Her heart stirred on having her so close to her.. she couldn't explain the warmth her heart was bursting with on contact with Hira..Even when her marriage life is at the verge of breaking down thanks to the lil girl.. Imani couldn't pin point the love her heart was swelling with at everything Hira did..

"I was joking sweetie.. guess what.. we'll throw all these old toys and I'll get you loads of toys tomorrow.. okay?? " she smiled at her.

"Toyshhh for me? Hira questioned..

"Yeshhh lotsshhh of toysshh for Hira baby.. maybe a few for me too.. will you let me play with you.. will you?  will you"
Imani tickled her sides earning a set of adorable giggles from Hira..

Hira jumped out of Imani's embrace and walked around her toys, lost in thoughts

"Missh will you throw all my toys?"

"Well shall we? All your toys are old and worn noh? "Imani replied back..

"I want to give them to my friendsh at home, daddy came and gave hira toysh. But they don't have daddy to get toysh." Hira decided.

"That's a great idea sweetheart..you sure? "Imani smiled face palming herself on not having thought this earlier and awed at the maturity hira displayed at such a tender age..

" yessh.. all but not Ella.." Hira decided.

"Why not? Where is she? " Imani scanned the small pile of toys in the floor, unable to find a doll in it..
"What's so special about her?you can give it away I'd get you bigger one" Imani promised.

Hira paused for a second looking at her blankly..

"Misssh do you have a mummy?" She asked after a few seconds, her face round and curious..

"No Hira baby, she passed away when I was a bit elder than you.." Imani smiled sadly..

"My mummy too went back to allah when I wassh born.." Hira's face fell..

" Daddy told Emma doll is mummysh doll.." Hira explained..
"a gift from mummys favit pershon.."

"You mean favourite person Hira?" Imani corrected with a smile..

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