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The mischievous rays of the setting sun stretching along the horizon, playing truant, reflecting on the hard paved gravel road..The dense branches of the road side  Naa trees swaying lazily.. The dead leaves in their yellowish orange hues dancing on accord with the balmy breeze ruffling around..

This was the typical evening scene to anyone walking along the Colombo roads on a Lazy sunday evening...

Trudging along the pavement,stepping on the dead leaves, taking comfort in the crunchy sounds of her boots on them.. .Imani Ilham, though not a new comer to the hustle bustle of the Colombo city was thoroughly bewildered at the act of serenity of the if- not roaring city.. known best for its unending traffic and road accidents with many citizens rushing to get either this or that done.. The irony of the calm camouflage of the snoozing streets deeply astonished her.. the metaphorical view of the city connecting to her life didn't fail to pass through her mind, setting her already agonizing thoughts on fire..

A month ago, if someone had put forth the idea of Imani walking aimlessly on the streets deeply in thoughts.. She would have laughed at their faces or maybe given them a piece of their own mind, depending on who they were.. that was who she was loud and ferocious, born to fight..

Now sitting on the wayside bench..Gazing at the suddenly gloomed sky, the life she lead since she was born seemed something far fetched.. all the battles fought hence forever seemed futile driven into oblivion.. with the luminous number on her watch shining in the twilight showing 6:30, with a sigh she started walking back to the place she  had to call home, to her husband, back to her duties as a dutiful wife.. to the world she is meant to be till death welcomed her corpse of a soul..

Sitting on the steps of her new home, twirling the chain hanging down her neck with her rich black hair cascading down her left covering half of her face.. she still couldn't come in terms with reality slamming against her face.. looking back at the beautiful yet haunting house, she was doomed, knowing this was the price, price for all her dreams, price for all her efforts, price for giving up her whole life.. "The tag of being someone's wife"

The breeze blowing on her face seem to be on a relentless mission to torment her today slapping on her face, reminding her of what kind of a looser she is..

99% of the illusionary fantasy we create in life, tends to fail.. Despite knowing supposedly this would end up unexpectedly.. We never stop planning don't we? of course the beauty of the dreams deeply illuminating on the minutely brick by brick planning.. We never give up on our tenacious grip..

still knowing its supposed to break why so much of a profane effort in it? Because no matter how hard a plan messes up there still lies a tiny echo deep within calling out, barely audible "Trust me thing would work out way better"

With Imani being a personality deeply relying on her gut instincts.. That unknown voice buried deep down in the recess of her mind most of the time turned out to be the lone ray of light to someone as her..robbed out of their fairytale and drowned on the abyss of reality..

Blinking back the tears hovering on her eyelashes.. she stared at the now-dulled ambience of the evening lulling the entire city to collapse into a deep slumber, hoping for a sign.. even a swaying of a leaf showing her that things would fall into place.. but the grey sky with its subdued aura.. increased the clawing of her own traitorous heart asking her to give up..

Yet with all her fears pulling her down into oblivion, the voice deep within seemed to asked to trust.. to trust on what? she wondered.. yet the voice seemed to command her mind that there is something worth trusting in.. What that something is.. she did not know..

With the hope planted deep within fighting against all odds in the recess of her blowen mind, she shook her head bringing her out of the trance.. she didn't have time for dreams.. now that the reality has set its reigns upon her, she was supposed to run on its accord..

Dusting her pale pink shirt of whatever the dust or dirt which could have been accumulated in it.. she walked back to the door.. back to work.. shedding all shard of hopes from which she was supposed to take strength from..

What she failed to notice were the pearly drops of silvery drizzle, shrouding the entire streets in a veil of white.. showing here there is more to life.. more to live.. more to love...

while all she wanted was a sign.. The almighty has sent down a shower.. nourishing the seeds of hope planted within..

Authors note:

Assalamu alaikum Warahmathullahi wabarakaathu people.. guess who is back with a new book?

Me.. me....
And hey there people.. my heartious eid wishes goes out to all out there..
May almighty allah shower his endless blessings on you and your family.. May he protect you from all harms and fulfill all your halal wishes..May he guide you in the correct path and keep you safe and sound physically,mentally spiritually and keep you blessed and contented through out..
  🌹*Eid MuBaRaK*🌹
    With loads of Love: *Marwa Jowsi*

And on this beautiful beginning.. lemme dedicate the prologue of "A step beyond the line.."   to the most annoying thing of my life.. the devil I call my best friend.. nushnucchu..  love me more you donkey..

And to my darling daughter.. (let out that breath ur holding guys.. i aint married yet..)

To my baby gurl.. who was an enormous support in making this book in real.. my gurl Thanweer.. thanks lovey..

And a heartious thank you to all of you for giving me a chance..
Dont forget to Vote.. comment and share.. That makes my day..

Sooo until nxt time.. Allah hafiz lovelies..

Stunning cover by my beautiful sister in deen Pearls_Queen.. Jazak allah khair sissy..❤

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