2. New beginnings!!!

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With his chocolate brown eyes staring intently at the screen, he stretched out his long weary arms and stifled a yawn..

"well lemme call it a day.." he murmured..

shutting down his laptop and shoveling it inside his bag, clicking off the lights in his room and without a further glance he strode off..

Walking down to the car park.. He slowed down on the ground floor fumbling for his car keys in his pant pockets and absent mindedly bumped onto the watchman arriving for his night shift..
"Good evening perera uncle" he greeted..
"going home early now aren't we Muradh sir?" he asked winking at him.. looking at his watch showing 8:30 pm.. so far by his standards this isn't anywhere near early still he chose to remain silent on this..

"got someone waiting at home now eh? the elderly man guffawed walking away not bothering for his response..

Muradh shrugged, rolling his eyes pursued walking.. He flung his bag onto the empty passenger seat and got on..

He was fumbling with his keys when Perera uncle's words dawned on him..

"Got someone waiting at home eh?" he furrowed his eyebrows when it struck him..

He is no more the eligible bachelor Muradh Haniffa.. he is married and has a wife..

"of course you would have a wife if you are Married Muradh" his conscience smirked at him..

ignoring it.. " what was her name?" he pondered.. "yeah Imani.."

being a loner all these days, the prospect of going home to a wife partially scared plus exasperated him..

A rush of icy cold waves washed over him while his insides shivered in what? may be anxiety?

"scratching his head.. he gave a goofy smile.. " you are being Paranoid Muradh" he shook him head and drove off..

Pushing open the great oak door, Muradh was slighty taken aback with the familiar sullenness welcoming him.. there seemed to be no evidence of existance in the giant living room engulfed in eerie darkness.. switching on the lights.. He peered into the kitchen which inturn welcomed him with darkness..

He trudged upstairs to the his bedroom and flicked on the lights and saw the bed empty.. walking inside, throwing his bag onto bed and loosening his tie.. he saw a large box lying open on the farther corner of the room.. walking towards it.. he peered at it curiously and was amazed to find it filled with books of different kind all arranged recklessly...

Behind the box huddled against the wall was his wife..sitting on the cold tiled floor..her head leaning on her shoulder with a book sprawled against her chest, her hands chained around it tightly.. with half of her rich black hair covering the right side of her face.. she was asleep..

He was shocked would be an understatement..
"Did you expect her to present you with 1000 new dishes Muradh?" His conscience again..

"Hell noo.. she is supposed to be my wife not my maid" he snapped..

"Besides..She is new here.. I would never expect her to feel at home all of a sudden.. besides.. i dont have anything at home except for dry ration" he face palmed himself thinking what did she have for breakfast..

Walking on tiptoes.. he crouched besides her.. staring at her pale face..
"Is she normally this way or has she gone paler than i remember" he wondered..
" her neck is sure to  hurt her in that awkward position, do I wake her up or let her be?"

Staring at her close... hands itching to put away those strands hiding her face away.. he faced a greater dilemma.. finally deciding against it.. he walked towards the cupboard and pulled out a blanket which he stealthily covered her with.. his hands seem to brush at her cheeks making her stir.. Muradh was burning in embarassement of being caught.  While she turned the other way pulling the blanket closer, cuddling it..

Shaking his head, with a tiny smile playing in his lips.. he headed towards the shower and afterwards..offering his isha prayers he silent tiptoed to the living room so as to not to disturb her..

After a good half an hour  of aimlessly flicking the 100 of channels and being bored at that.. he decided to go and get something for dinner.. when she finally trudged down the stairs rubbing her eyes.. her waist length hair sprawled across her shoulders..

"Assalamu alaikum w.w" he initiated... this was the first time he was trying to talk to her in a casual way..

"Huh.. she made a slighty audible sound with a the back of her throat and stared at him..

And then in a small voice.. she replied " walaikum salam.."

"Sorry I over slept..i was just reading and.." she mumbled in a apologetic tone..

" Its no big deal.. he replied in a cheer ful tone.." i just got home 15 minutes back.." he lied.. for which she nodded..

Walking into the kitchen.. she suddenly sprinted back into the living room startling him..

"How was your day.. are you tired? Would you prefer some tea or coffee?" She started firing questions at him..

"Imani you okay?" He asked voice laced with concern..

"I am.. she mumbled back.. and mutter something to herself which Murad made it out something along the lines of google instructions of greeting a husband..

He burst out into giggles.. while Imani stared at her bewildered..

"Its fine Imani.. he said regaining control.. I am ordering dinner and I already made myself some tea.. chill.." for which she nodded uneasily starting towards the stairs..

"By the way Imani.. you dont have to consult google on how to behave with me.. just be yourself ok.. or you know.. ummm.. we might tend to umm... startle our own selves.." he winked suppressing a laugh.. his brown orbs twinkling in amusement..

Going red in the face due to embarassement.. she finally raised her head and gave him a genuine smile.. and run upstairs while he laughed at turning his attention back to the television..

It actually did feel good coming home to someone didnt it..

Hellooo felllaaassss..

Here i am back with another chapter..

Soo liked it?

What say of Muradh.. he seems to be okay ish to me.. what d o u think..

Lemme know in the comments will ya all...

So yeahh till next time.. vote.. comment and share..

Allah hafiz lovelies..😛😛😛

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