15. Blood doesn't define family

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                   7th August 2020🖤💙

"Imani, You are coming right-" Azzu screeched into the line once Imani attended the call, "please bro, don't tell me you aren't or else the jerk face would pull my legs to the point that I'd never be able to walk, please bro tell me you are coming..I cant stand that look of I-told-you-so  on his face if you didn't.." Azzu moaned endlessly..

"Azzu tell me this, Do you really want us to come or do you want to prove Danish that I wouldn't reject your invitation.." Imani laughed while Azzu made some offended sounds back at her..

"chill bro, I'd  be there in another 20 minutes time" Imani assured her and hung up while Muradh fumbled for the car keys in his drawers..

"looking for this?" she asked dangling the keys in between her fingers..

"bubbles you are a life saver" he grinned goofily while she rolled her eyes.. no matter how many times he lost his keys, he never bothered to keep them in place. It was now a daily duty for Imani to hunt for the car and bike keys and replace them in the key holders..

"Make it quick Muradh or Azzu is gonna come home and abduct me" she laughed..

"Didn't know you had such friends at campus.. wow my wife does have some befriending abilities.." he marveled sincerely while she gagged  at him.

Azzu had invited Muradh and Imani for dinner at her sister's place because she wanted to introduce her new close friend to her sister and jiju..

Imani and Azzu has gotten into each other like the night sky and the stars, within very few days of their first meet..

Reaching the address Azzu had texted them, Muradh honked cheerfully at the closed roller gate while Imani shook her head at his stupid behaviour.. in just 2 seconds the gate flew open revealing a grinning Azzu with the remote in her hands.. opening the car door on the passenger side Azzu pounced on Imani tackling her in a squishy bear hug.. muttering her salams to Muradh she dragged Imani to the doors, all the while grinning "epic this is epic, I didn't think you'd come.."

Seating them in the living room, Azzu sprinted towards the kitchen excusing herself, while Imani scooped up little Eshaal playing on the living room rug chewing on her soft toys..

"hey Eshaa.. remember me? remember me? temme temme" she tickled the little girl who giggled in delight.. while Muradh oggled at her in awe..

"What Muradh.. she is my friend.. " Imani explained while Muradh shook his head in disbelief..

"Hey amigos," Danish walked out of a room next to the kitchen.. he came over and seated himself opposite to them and did their weird handshake with Muradh and stared at Imani.. "not cool friend.. Im not at all glad at your arrival, you denied my invitation when I wanted you over for my sister's birthday party and you came just because this donkey face invited you for dinner..

"on someone's jerk face.." Azzu prolonged in a sing-song tone walking over to them with a tray of juice..

"oh shut up.." Danish snapped at her- tell me Imani, why why ?" he moaned..

"I couldn't just deny an invitation from this sweetheart here Can I? Imani smirked giving Azzu a fist bump who doubled over in laughter at Danish's reaction..

"Azzu tell me what miracles did you work on my wife? Muradh asked her amused, I've never seen this girl talk a proper sentence throughout our 8 months of marriage and here she is.. wow.. just wow.." he marveled..

"its nothing bro, just leave 2 women together for 5 minutes and they'd start bickering and awww-ing on what not.." Danish rolled his eyes while Muradh guffawed in laughter..

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