Chapter 17

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Now I'm scared of heights
Keep on telling me its fine, yeah
Now I'm hanging for my life, yeah

Now I'm scared of heightsKeep on telling me its fine, yeahNow I'm hanging for my life, yeah

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Yesterday was the best day of my life.

I met Snoop Dogg.

But not only that, I lived out everyone's dream and smoked Snoop Dogg's weed.

I didn't even think about how Harry would react to seeing me smoke. I was too in the moment and way too excited.

I hope he doesn't think his boss is a damn crazy person after this trip.

Speaking of Harry, I'm starting to really enjoy having him around. I don't know what it is. But there is something about the guy.

He makes me smile and feel so comfortable with who I am as a person. He has never once looked at me with judgemental eyes. It's always those green eyes of understanding.

There's something else I see in his eyes. But I have no clue what it is. I've never had someone look at me the way he does before.

That should make me uncomfortable, the difference in the way he looks at me compared to how others do. But, for some reason, I find it comforting and creating a warm feeling inside of me.

This morning the two of us hid out in our room, laughing and smiling like crazy, while I tried to teach him some of my favorite Snoop Dogg songs, per his request. And how could I say no to that request?

I like the sound of his laugh. I notice that he has three different laughs. Laugh one is more like a snort. He breathes out his mouth and smiles when he does it and rubs the bottom of his nose. Almost like he is embarrassed that he found whatever it was funny. Laugh two is more of a chuckle or giggle, I would say. His dimples pop just the slightest and he doesn't move to cover his face when he does it like he does with laugh one. But I think laugh three is my favorite. It's a full on head tossed back cackle that you can't help but melt at the sound of. His dimples carve deep into his cheeks and there's such a glimmer of joy in his eyes that is completely infectious.

But even Harry's laugh three couldn't make me smile after breakfast when my family informed us that today they want to go parasailing.

Have they forgotten that I'm scared of heights?

I guess so.

So now I'm on a damn boat.

I was silent pretty much the entire drive here. And Harry knows that I'm scared of heights from when I freaked out on the plane a few days ago. So I'm sure that he knows why I'm acting so shut off.

I know that realistically I could just not parasail. Nobody is holding a gun to my head and making me.

But I've watched nearly almost my entire family go up on the parasail in pairs, smiling and having fun. And my fomo is getting the best of me here. I'm super conflicted.

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