Chapter 46

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This is part 3 of a 5 part update


A bridesmaid looks and thinks that you're winkin'
She thinks your kinda cute, so she winks back
And now your feelin' really firm 'cause the girl is stacked
Reception's jumpin', bass is pumpin'
You look at the girl and your heart starts thumpin'

A bridesmaid looks and thinks that you're winkin'She thinks your kinda cute, so she winks backAnd now your feelin' really firm 'cause the girl is stackedReception's jumpin', bass is pumpin'You look at the girl and your heart starts thumpin'

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The ceremony was beautiful.

I've always loved love. So watching two people that I've grown to know pretty well over the past few weeks get married was beautiful to watch.

The reception has also been great so far. We had dinner, which was delicious, and Grayson gave her customary maid of honor speech.

The whole time she was talking, I kept trying to make silly faces at her to distract her, just for my own enjoyment. It was funny to see her try to stay focused and not laugh every time she looked at me.

It's a little out of character for me to be so playful now. But I'm starting to think that it's not out of character. Maybe this playful side of me is a part of me that I repressed back in university and Grayson is pulling it back out of me.

We haven't even been together that long and she is already challenging me in ways that I really appreciate. I always have had hope that I would find myself again after all that I have been through. But, what Grayson probably doesn't even realize, is that she has actually helped push me to bring those dreams of that happening to fruition.

I feel so much more confident now than I did a few weeks ago. I think that's the main thing.

Grayson has never once made me feel insecure about my body, about things that I'm passionate about, or about anything really. She has always been supporting and encouraging since the moment I started to let my walls down to let her in.

I really appreciate that.

Her support and encouragement towards me has helped fuel my own courage and belief in myself. Love can do crazy and powerful things, I guess.

I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

I never imagined that when I left for this trip that I would end up with this new found confidence and Grayson as my girlfriend. Yet here we are.

After Grayson gave her toast and we ate dinner, we obviously enjoyed some wedding cake. Because, who the hell can pass up on some good cake? Unless you're allergic to dairy, eggs, or gluten...then I can see why you would pass up on some good cake.

Thankfully I don't have those allergies.

Now, Grayson and I are dancing on the dance floor, acting like nobody's watching. Nobody probably is watching, if I'm being realistic. The dance floor is crowded and I doubt people give a shit about how Grayson and I are dancing. I'm not going to act like either of us are good dancers, though. I only know ballroom dancing because of the class I took in uni. Simple 'fun' dancing does not come naturally to me. I think I'm only good at ballroom dancing because there is structure to it. And I love structure.

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