Chapter 4

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That your looking for a boyfriend
I see that
Give me time, you know I'm gonna be that
Don't be scared to come put your trust in me
Can't you see all I really want to be
Is your boyfriend

That your looking for a boyfriendI see thatGive me time, you know I'm gonna be thatDon't be scared to come put your trust in meCan't you see all I really want to beIs your boyfriend

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Why does Grayson want to see me in her office?

I'm nervous as hell. My hands are sweaty and shaking slightly and my heart is beating heavily against my rib cage as I walk out of the elevator and towards her office.

She has never asked me to come to her office before. She hasn't ever really called me by my first name before either, it has always been 'Styles'.

My anxiety is really getting the best of me right now. I need to calm the fuck down.

"Get it together, Harry." I mumble to myself as I near her office door.

You know, it would be really nice if I dropped dead right now and I didn't have to go meet Grayson in her office. I'm just going to embarrass myself, like I always do.

Maybe the ceiling above me could spontaneously collapse right now.

Ooo or maybe I could find the fire alarm and pull it so I can sprint out of here like a bat out of hell.

Crushes like the one I have on Grayson don't do well for me. I'm too in my own head and introverted for overwhelming feelings like this. Ones that I know that I will never have the courage to act on.

Damn it, this building is too structurally sound for the ceiling to collapse. And pulling the fire alarm would be against the code of ethics. I guess I have to go in her office.

"Miss Saxton?" I speak up as I knock on the open door a few times and peek my head into her office.

The sound of the knock gets her attention and has her looking up from her paperwork on her desk. "Harry!" She smiles at me. "Come in!" She adds and waves me over.

With her words, I hesitantly make my way into her office and take a seat in one of the chairs across from her desk. "And, please, call me Grayson." She says with a smile while I put all my focus into sitting in the chair and not letting my ass miss it to make me fall to the floor.

"Okay, Grayson, I'm Harry."

She snorts out a laugh. "Yes, I know."

Of course she knows. She called me by my name already. Good one, Harry. "Oh yeah." Fuck, I already feel myself blushing.

"So, how are you doing today?" She asks me, seeming to be giving me her full attention. I almost feel like she is studying me. But I'm probably just overthinking things, like always, again.

"Well, I guess I'm not doing too bad. I'm pretty happy with how my presentation went. I did test some extra code with the microprocessor, just for fun, but I left it out of the presentation. I thought that I would just keep the necessities in the presentation for time sake, you know?" I ramble. "Plus the other code was just silly stuff like making a stop light with different speed intervals and blinking patterns."

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