Chapter 34

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Kiss me down by the broken treehouse
Swing me upon its hanging tire

Kiss me down by the broken treehouseSwing me upon its hanging tire

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Today is a good day.

Today is the first day waking up with Grayson as my girlfriend.

I was so bloody shocked when she asked me to be her boyfriend when we were swimming in the pool yesterday. But I'm so glad that she did.

Obviously I was going to say yes. So she probably wasn't worried about asking me.

It's a good feeling, having Grayson as my girlfriend. It has only been about twenty-four hours of being an official couple, but it still feels great. I've had this crush on her for so long that I feel like I'm this dream state, one where she likes me back.

I know I'm not dreaming, though. I've pinched myself, and made Grayson pinch me as well, just to make sure I'm awake and that this is real life.

I can't wait to tell my mum and sister. They have been encouraging me to make a move for months now. They're going to be so happy.

I haven't felt this good in a long ass time. I feel so light and like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders after opening up to Grayson. I never thought that speaking my truth would make me feel so free. I always thought 'the truth will set you free' phrase was a cliché term. But it felt good to get all of that off of my chest.

Part of me does feel like Grayson and I are living in this bubble and have forgotten about reality. I'm a pro at overthinking, so I can't help but wonder what things will be like between the two of us when the vacation is over and we go back to work.

I'm dating my boss. And not only my boss, but the CEO of the entire damn company I work for. I hope that doesn't cause any issues.

I don't want to let myself fall into a spiral, though. I should enjoy my time in this bubble with Grayson. Because this bubble reality feels good.

Instead of thinking how dating my boss, and how that might be a problem later down the road, I will choose to think of it as how badass it is that my girlfriend is the CEO of a major company in the biggest city in the country.

She's so powerful. And that's so damn hot.

Something that is going to take some time to get used to, though, is her thinking that I'm hot. And her openly admitting that.

I still face so many mental battles with insecurities in my physical appearance, it's hard to believe that she thinks that I'm attractive. Also, nobody has told me that they think I'm attractive in probably a good seven years. So it's a bit strange to hear someone say that to me.

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