Chapter 27

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You might need time to think it over
But I'm just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind if you give me the chance
I will never make you cry, c'mon let's try

You might need time to think it overBut I'm just fine moving forwardI'll ease your mind if you give me the chanceI will never make you cry, c'mon let's try

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I wish that when I woke up that I was still cuddled up with Harry.

But in his defense, I did wake up pretty late today for some reason. And, knowing Harry, he is probably overthinking my statement from last night about how I want him to kiss me. So he probably is off taking some time to himself to do that. I've noticed that Harry does that, retreats to be alone with his thoughts.

Personally, I can't do that. I like to talk through my thoughts and feelings. It keeps me from spiraling.

Maybe Harry went out for a run with Davis again and will be back soon.

I wouldn't know if he got back or not yet, though. Janet called me out of the blue and told me that I need to attend to this work matter. I was hoping that it could wait, but she insisted that I do it as soon as possible.

I shamelessly stole Harry's hoodie to wear again while I setup a workstation out back at one of the tables by the pool. But this time it wasn't because I was overly cold. This time it was because I enjoy how the hoodie smells like him.

God I'm such a sap. What has Harry done to me? It's like he's all that I can think about now. This is why I hate when I develop a crush on someone. It's so distracting.

But it's too late now. I'm too far gone.

I can't believe that last night I so openly told Harry that I want him to kiss me. That was really ballsy of me.

But Harry made it clear that he is very big on consent. So I know that he would never make a move to kiss me unless I made it clear to him that it's something I want.

The sound of the door opening behind me gains my attention. I smile when I move to turn around, thinking that it's Harry. But my smile falls only slightly when I see that it's my mother instead. "Hey, honey!" She cheers, walking out and closing the door behind her. "I brought you a snack, I thought you might be hungry." She adds, setting down a plate of strawberries next to my laptop and taking a seat in the chair across from me.

"Thanks, mom." I say, taking one of the strawberries off of the plate and tossing it into my mouth. "Have you seen Harry?" I hum when I finish chewing, trying to sound casual.

A grin appears on my mom's face, making me think that I didn't come off too casual after all. "I haven't..." she trails off. "But your father sure did."

I instantly feel my skin go hot with nerves. My dad can be intense. He's also kinda protective. "Oh you know how it went?" I ask, biting my lip anxiously.

"Well," my mother trails off. "How long have you two been dating again?"

"A few months now." I answer with what Harry and I decided to tell people if they ask.

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