Late night chat

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Peter was pacing back and forth. He looked at the big clock on his bedroom wall. Two hours. It had been two hours ago when the avengers had found out. Two hours ago his family had found the reason to kick him out. He would never be allowed to go on patrol again, he would be forced to move back into Aunt Mays's apartment. Oh god, Aunt May. They couldn't tell her, but they would, he knew they would. It was late at night or very early in the morning, but Peter couldn't bring himself to go to sleep. Just the thought of even standing still was too much for him as if his heart would explode from all of the anxiety he was having. Honestly, it was a miracle that he yet hadn't gotten a panic attack. He couldn't do it, he couldn't take this. He didn't have the strength to continue this, this couldn't possibly be his life. Then he got an idea

Natasha was sitting on the window ledge in her room, looking at the sun rising over New york. It helped her calm herself and collect her thoughts. How could she have been so oblivious? How could she have missed that the one boy in the whole universe who she had to protect was hurting so bad? He was her baby spider, she was cool aunt Nat, who he should have come to instead of doing those horrible things to himself. Did he not trust her? Did he not like her? Why hadn't he come to her?

"Miss Romanoff, it seems as if Mr. Parker is exercising," FRIDAY said. 
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"During the last few hours, Mr. Parker has been burning many calories, I can't tell why, but due to the Parker protocol I have to inform the nearest person about this," Natasha remembered when Tony had told her about the Parker protocol, the one that was made to help Peter with his eating disorder and make sure that he didn't lose any more weight. She got up from her seat by the window and went to the boy's room. 

"маленький паук?" Natasha knocked on the door. Peter stopped pacing and looked up from the floor.
"Pete? Open up, I know you're awake" She said when she didn't get an answer. Sure she could burst through the door like Tony or Steve, but she knew that respecting the teen's privacy would make him trust her more. Peter opened the door carefully. Natasha could immediately tell that he had been crying.
"Hey Nat," He said, forcing a small smile. She smiled sadly.
"What are you doing here?" He asked. Nat walked into the room and sat on Peter's bed. "FRIDAY called on me, Parker protocol," She explained.
"Oh," Peter said embarrassed, looking down at the floor. He really hated the Parker protocol, it was embarrassing that the mightiest heroes on earth had to check up on him every time he had burned any calories. He knew that if any of the heroes were asleep they wouldn't be informed unless he was at the brink of passing out. And he hadn't tried to burn any calories, he just couldn't rest.

"I thought you were asleep," He said quietly.
"And I thought you were asleep," Nat chuckled. Her voice softened and she smiled lovingly towards Peter.
"Do you wanna explain why you weren't?" She patted on a spot beside her on the bed, making her spider-baby sit next to her.
"I-I tried, but I c-couldn't," Peter tried to explain.
"I didn't mean to work out, b-but I was afraid what would happen if I was s-still" Nat wrapped her arm around his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"What would happen if you were still?" She asked softly. Peter didn't answer, his lower lip was trembling and he was on the verge of tears. 
"Would something bad happen?" Peter nodded into her shoulder.
"Something that would make FRIDAY call on us?" He nodded again. Natasha suddenly understood what the boy tried to tell her, she suddenly understood that the alert had nothing to do with his eating disorder.
"You would get a panic attack, right? It felt as if you stopped moving you would explode, fall apart," Peter looked up at Nat with big eyes.
"How did you know?" He whispered. Nat pulled him into a big hug.
"Oh маленький паук, you're not the only one with anxiety in this tower,"

Peter was thankful that Natasha didn't try to talk about him harming, it had been a stressful night already, and he didn't need anyone else to make it more stressful.  
"You should go to sleep sweetheart," Nat said after a while. Without saying anything Peter got up, grabbed his PJs, and went into the bathroom to change. Whilst he was gone Natasha pulled the duvet of his bed. She turned towards the desk to turn off the desk light when she saw something that made her heart stop.
As the trained spy she was, she didn't let any of her emotions reach her face. She simply turned off the desk lamp and smiled towards Peter, who had just come out from the bathroom. Thankfully he was very tired, otherwise, he probably would have figured things out. The boy curled up into a little ball under the covers and his eyes closed the second his head touched the pillow. He looked so fragile, so small laying there.
"Fri, turn off the lights," Nat said, and the room became dark. 
"Goodnight," She said as she leaned forward and kissed Peter on the forehead. He just mumbled in response. Quietly Natasha walked out of the room, grabbing the piece of paper on her way out.

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