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I drive my beat-up Honda up the driveway of Sam's house. Her house is nice, brick with gray shingles. Her mother has always kept the yard neat with all kinds of different flowers. I haven't really talked to Sam since the whole Lily incident, she needed some space. I knew she wouldn't bail on her brother though so here I was. I walk up the stone path to the front door and knock loudly. Sam's dad opens the front door and smiles widely at me. He is a thin man, an accountant like my mom. He probably thinks I am dating Sam, it's a common belief in her family.

"Come in," he says. He goes into the kitchen and I make my way upstairs to Sam's room. I always like to go up there and see Sunny, Sam usually lets me hold him.

I knock lightly on the door to Sam's room, her fortress as I like to call it.

"One second" she calls out, I hear some rustling inside then she sticks her head out of her room. "Oh, hey Noah!" she says brightening up. She opens the door the rest of the way, "you want to see Sunny?" she asks.

"Of course." She smiles a little and crosses the room to Sunny's terrarium. She hands him to me and he wraps around my arm. We sit on the bed for a few minutes without speaking. I don't really know what to say.

After a few minutes I stand up and put Sunny back. I look back at Sam who was up and walking towards the door. I follow her to Ricky's room where she knocks on the door and says "Ricky, we're going to the space museum now." Ricky comes right out with a big smile on his face, when he sees me his smile gets even wider.

"Hi Noah!" he says enthusiastically. We pile into my car and I start the engine.

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