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After the weekend I feel a lot better. I hung out with Noah and after lunch on Sunday I called Lily and told her what happened. She came over with Max and we talked for a while. It was nice, things were back the way they should be. The best part was after dinner we walked out to Max's car and before she got in she kissed me softly on the lips. I went to bed that night feeling happy and giddy.

I get up early Monday morning and know I have to go home. This time has been great, but I'm going to have to face my family at some point, and the longer I put it off the harder it will be. I wake Noah up and he seems a bit nervous but he tells his dad what he's doing and we get in the car. Noah's dad offers to call school and tell them we'll be absent, and I accept gratefully. The whole school probably already knows that I'm lesbian by now, and I'm defenitely not ready to deal with that.

Noah drives me home. He asks if he should stay but I know I need to do this alone. He looks concerned but drives away, reminding me that I can always call him, and I walk up the seemingly endless path to my house, apprehension and fear roiling in my stomach. Everything is going by too quickly. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I sigh and lean my head against the familiar navy front door, with its sun-shaped knocker and broken mail slot. What am I going to say? I know what I have to do but how in the world am I supposed to do it?

I hesitate for another before knocking. I hear shuffling steps coming closer and fight the urge to turn and run.

My mom opens the door. She seems sad and a bit lost, when she sees me standing there her eyes start to tear up. I'm about to give in and leave - I can't do this - when she pulls me into a strong, loving, hug.

Love, LillyWhere stories live. Discover now