We need some cute shit right now (AKA Nicky's Daddy material)

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Chapter 19:
< 2 Days until the Wedding >

"Who pissed in your coffee?" Nicky grumbled as she looked from the TV to Codi when the brunette entered their hotel room. Codi shook her head as she shoved off her jacket, throwing it at the coat rack and missing, while heading towards the small desk her laptop was still resting on.

"It's nothing." She grumbled as she woke her laptop from its sleep mode, tapping in her password and looking at her nearly finished 7th rough chapter. The cursor blinked in and out of view as Codi stared at it, her thoughts going to several different things that prevented her from completing the last few sentences the chapter needed.

The brunette let out a soft noise of surprise when she felt hands loosely grip her hips and a body pressing against her back. Nicky rested her chin atop of Codi's head, her eyes roaming over the words on the computer but not truly reading them.

"What'd your family do now?"

"...My father's such a pushover. Win needed help a few years ago. Needed a place to stay. And my father did nothing. My mother didn't want to help her own fuckin' niece and my father just agreed not to!" Codi answered, her hands moving to rest against the desk as she looked down at her feet.

"She needed us, Nicky. She needed to be shown that she's loved, cared for, wanted. And my parents ignored her like she was worthless."

"My sister is not worthless."

"I know, Codi."
< >
"Codi! Quick!" Win stage-whispered from where she was waiting for an elevator in the Hotel's lobby. Codi and Nicky themselves exiting from the stairway. The two of them headed towards the excited woman, her blue utility jacket seemingly puffing out strangely at the chest area.

"That better not be an iguana."

"Yeah, Woo-girl. I like you but I draw the line at Iguanas." Nicky supported, Codi looking to her with an arched brow.


"You draw the line at iguanas?"

"Yeah...They run weird." Codi's brow rose higher at the answer before they both looked back to Win when she huffed to gain back their attention.

"Its even better than an Iguana!" Win answered, her excitement making her seem more childish than she usually acted as she finally moved her jacket opened a bit.

"What is i-Oh, look at the widdle babies!" Codi cooed, Nicky looking from the slumbering baby kittens held against Win's chest to the brunette.

She never would've thought anything was bugging the girl if she hadn't seen it herself.

"Where's their mother?" Nicky asked as Codi stretched out a single finger in order to lightly pet the orange kitten's tiny chest. It being a snowy white compared to the rest of his burnt orange fur.

"Hit by a car. Was walking around town when I saw her corpse, heard these little ones cryin' for her in an alley close by."

"Their eyes are still shut. They must've been born a couple days ago at least." Nicky noticed when Orange let out a weak 'mew' as he tried to grab at Codi's finger with his toothless gums.

"They need milk or they won't survive. Warmth too. Who knows how long they've been in the cold."

"How you know all this, cowgirl?" Win questioned. Her arm carefully adjusted the two babies closer to her chest, the kittens quickly nuzzling to absorb as much warmth as they could.

"My aunt had a cat. She didn't survive but her litter did. So Kai and I took care of them until they could be weaned."

"There a pet store near by?" Nicky questioned the England natives, Codi nodding as the elevator chimed and the doors began to open.

"We'll get them the milk, you keep keeping them warm." Codi told her cousin, the white-haired woman giving a grin as she headed into the elevator.

"Aye-Aye, Captain!"
< >
"Look at you being a parent." Win chuckled as she watched Nicky feeding Orange, the little kitten cradled in the blonde's elbow as he greedily suckled at the milk bottle.

His russet-red sister resting in Win's lap as she suckled on her own bottle, Codi holding it for her.

"Hardy-har-har, Snow white."

"Hey now, that wasn't a joke! I like when a lady shows their parental side. It's sexy!" She grinned, Codi rolling her eyes at her cousin before her gaze focused back on Russet. The kitten let out a tiny hiccup, a dribble of milk falling out of her mouth and staining Win's jeans.

"Shows that you're Daddy material."

"Win!" Codi exclaimed as Nicky chuckled, Orange stretching his tiny claws out in order to hook them into his bottle.

"Didn't know you two had similar kinks." Nicky joked, Codi giving her an aghast look as her face turned crimson. Win guffawed, her head thrown back as Codi moved to kick at the blonde only to stop mid-way, her gaze on Orange.

"You are so lucky that kitten is in your arms, you wank!"

"Watch your language or you'll get a spankin', babygirl." Nicky continued, her smirk widening as Win kept laughing. Codi's blush grew somehow even more red, Win laying flat on the bed as her laughter turned silent. Only quick bursts of breath leaving her as her entire body shook, Russet enjoying the vibrations.


"One more word and I'll use the cane instead."

"You have a bloody cane?!" Win all but squealed, Codi letting out a whine as she covered her face with her free hand.

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