World-building! Drama! Fluff! Angst! Passion! Cats!....Other Stuff!

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Chapter 47

"It was a pleasure, Codi! Don't be a stranger!" Piper called out from where she was sticking out of the sunroof. Gin in the driver's seat and had moved her right hand off the wheel and gripped the front of her friend's jacket in order to pull her back into the car, her other hand still on the wheel as she reversed out of Codi's drive-way.

Codi gave them a kind wave as they drove away, Nicky stuffing her hands into her jackets' pockets.

"I like them. Gin reminds me of you." Codi hummed, Nicky rolling her shoulders as they turned to head into the house. Nicky took the cat carrier from the brunette and let her grab her keys in order to unlock the door.

They both stepped inside, Codi closing the door before turning to Nicky and unlocking the carrier. She gently plucked Russet out first, a shiny new bright-white collar with a tiny round nametag now on her neck, before putting her down.

Russet stretched herself out, her tail curling before she shook out her fur and sat onto her rear as her brother was placed onto the floor. Orange also shaking out his fur before letting out a curious 'mew' at Russet's collar, not realizing he had one now himself.

His being a flat black, it contrasting nicely with his burnt orange fur. He stretched his paw out in order to bat Russet's nametag as the humans walked deeper into the house, the intimidating one taking off her shoes first.

"Say, was Piper right about Orange and Russet's breed?"

"Somewhat. Orange is the Somali, Russet is actually an Abyssinian." Codi explained as they walked into the kitchen. Silus looking up from where he was cutting carrots and earned a greeting wave from Nicky. He gave both her and Codi a nod of his head before resuming his cooking.

"What's the difference?"

"Orange will have longer fur when he gets all big. Russet won't, her hair will stay about the same as it is now. Dr. Quinn said her hair might become darker when she gets older though."

"Ya know, I thought you would've thought of new names for them by now." Nicky commented as Codi moved to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a glass bottle filled with dark-blue colored liquid. She shook it lightly in Nicky's direction and pulled out two more bottles when the blonde nodded.

"I did." She agreed as she placed one of the bottles next to where Silus was, the man looking at it from the corner of his eye then back to the vegetables. She gave him a gentle pat on the center of his back as she passed him, handing Nicky the other bottle before turning to twist open her own.


"Yeah. Grunt for Orange and Shepard for Russet." Codi explained as the headed to the living room, Nicky taking a gulp of the homemade tea.

Blueberry. Nice... Wait.



"You are such a fucking nerd." Nicky chuckled, Codi turning to face her.

Orange and Russet scampering past them as they chased each other.

"What? They're good names!"

"For a dork."

"You're the one that named them after bloody colors!" Codi exclaimed lightly as she poked Nicky's chest, Nicky giving her a shrug as she took another sip.

"I ain't good with creativity, Miss Author of a best-selling Series."

"Why didn't you give them those names if you already 'came up with them' then?" Nicky questioned, getting another poke in return. It being against her abdomen this time.

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