Because I care?

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(TW: Suicide Attempt)
Chapter 45

Codi looked from her laptop to her cellphone when she had felt it vibrate against her desk. She grabbed it and turned it to look at the screen to see that there was a text from Nicky.

[ Nicky <11:15 am>:
> Piper says Orange and Russet are Somali breeds. ]

Codi's brow arched at the text before tapping the text box. The keyboard appearing on her phone screen.

[Codi <11:16 am>:
>Piper? ]

[Nicky <11:18 am>:
> A friend. She's in school to be a veterinarian. ]

[Nicky <11:18 am>:
> She's got an internship with a vet clinic located pretty close to you actually. ]

[Nicky <11:19 am>:
> I can get ya an appointment for those cute little furbies too if you want! Just say the ajfnrowfjcr-]

Codi blinked at the sudden gibberish that appeared at the end of the message before another one popped up. A small laugh leaving her.

[Nicky <11:23 am>:
> Bitch took my phone. ]

[Codi <11:26 am>:
> I'd actually appreciate that. I should make sure Orange and Russet aren't at risk of anything happening to them since they're so young. How soon do you think Piper could make that appointment? ]

[Nicky <11:29 am>:
> We'll pick you and the kits up in an hour! Can't wait to meet the lady that makes my robot of a friend blush! ]

"I make her blush?" Codi murmured to herself before a small grin took over her lips. She let out a pleased hum as she saved her work and placed her laptop into sleep mode before rising from her chair and headed to her study's door.

"Oh!" Codi grunted out after she collided against what seemed to be a brick wall. She looked up to see dark brown eyes looking down at her, a hand lifted as if poised to knock.

"Jacob. You're much more...solid than I thought." Jacob gave her a low grunt in return as he dropped his arm back to his side. He looked from Codi to her office.

Unlike the rest of the house, Codi's study seemed to actually have effort put into decorating it. There were several Mahogany bookcases absolutely jammed full of books and even manga, with a single bookcase next to Codi's desk being filled with dozens of random plushies.

A chibi Hellboy was hanging next to a chibi Batman with a big shiny charizard seemingly watching over them in one of the bookcases' cubbies. His eyes going to the absolute giant royal-white tiger that was laying regally on top of the bookcase.

It even had a little gold crown on its head.

'Kenzie would never leave this little hideout if she ever found it.' Jacob thought before finally looking back to his boss.

"Mind if I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

Jacob crossed his arms against his chest as he took a quiet breath.

"Why'd you hire Seth and I?"


"Yeah. Why? We try to rob you and ya gave us a job. Why? What the hell was your thought process?" Jacob asked, Codi blinking at the bluntness before letting a chuckle.

"You know, I think you and Nicky would get along wonderfully." Codi hummed as she moved back deeper into her study, motioning with her hand for Jacob to enter. He did, sliding the door shut behind him.

"What's Kenzie's favorite color?" She asked. Jacob's brows furrowed.

"What are you on abo-"

"Proving a point, Jacob. Now. What's her favorite color?"

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