Bonus: A Stripper for a Stripper?

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Bonus AKA
Le Bachelorette Partyè (Pals! Friendship! Everlasting Bonds! Other shit!):

"Fu-sion HA!"

Nicky watched as SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta fused into Gogeta, the fused Saiyan saying something before powering up. Android 16 appeared next, rising from his kneeling position before the screen switched to the fight screen.

She continued to watch as Gogeta and Android 16 fought each other, the saiyan vanishing before reappearing behind the android and kicked him to the far side of the screen. Gogeta rushed after the Android, landing two jabs and then a cartwheel kick when the doorbell rang. It's little jingle making Nicky look from the screen to the hallway that led to the front door.

"Codi, the door." Nicky told the brunette from her spot laying on the couch. Russet laying on the couch's arm while Orange sat behind his sister, his gaze focused on the TV.

"A bit occupied, Nicky! Stop using that damn move, damn it!!" Codi exclaimed from her spot sitting in front of the couch. She leaned forward with a growl when Android 16 grabbed Gogeta before slamming him to the ground once more.

"Can't ya pause it?"

"You know damn well I can't!" Bits of her accent came out as she continued to try and escape the other player's grasp.

"Yeah, yeah. Just fuckin with ya, beautiful. He's gonna vanish again, by the way." Nicky pointed out as she rose up and off the sofa, a combined sound of a scream and a growl leaving the brunette when Android 16 vanished and kicked the last bit of Gogeta's health away. A low chuckle left her at the sound as she got closer to the front door, her hand wrapping around the door handle.

"Guys?" Nicky questioned after opening the door. Roxanne, Gin, Piper, and Kai being on the other side with her sister stepping forward and trapping Nicky into a headlock.

"Kai! Damn it, knock it off we're too old for this shit! You're literally a mom now!" Nicky exclaimed as she struggled out of the other blonde's hold. The other three entering the house, Gin closing the door behind her as Kai laughed.

"I'll never be too old for this, Bakayarou!" Kai joked as she finally let go of her little sister, Nicky settling back to her full height with a huff. Kai chuckled softly as Nicky groomed her hair back when Codi appeared around the corner, her gaze roaming over everyone.

"What's going on here?" She questioned lightly, Roxanne giving her a greeting wave. Nicky looked down at her fiance, her hands resting loosely on her hips.

"Did you rage quit?" She asked the brunette.

"...Shut up." Codi grumbled as she crossed her arms against her chest. Nicky let out a low hum and received a light elbow to her side before Codi spoke up once more, her gaze on their friends.

"Not that it isn't lovely to see all of you but what're you doing here?"

"We can't visit our lovely friends on a whim, sopa?" Roxanne spoke, a hand resting lightly against her chest as she tilted her head down to connect her gaze with Codi's.

"I got a Spanish to English dictionary last week. I know what that means, Rox. And it's not funny." Codi grumbled, Roxanne letting out a low chuckle at her words.

"It's a little funny." The Latina countered lightly with a wink.

"Hmph." The shorter brunette grumbled as Kai moved to her soon-to-be sister-in-law, her arm wrapping loosely around her neck. She rested her other hand on Nicky's shoulder.

"My lovely sister-in-law! We've come to kidnap your soon to be bride!" She declared, Codi's brow arching slightly.

"For?" Codi drawled.

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