'The least I could do for you'

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Chapter 34

Kai hummed a calm tune as she waited at the baggage claim for her sister and Codi. The few people around her yawned and swayed on their feet from the early hour, a couple of them looking strangely at the upbeat blonde.

She was used to being up so early, being a caffeine-addicted insomniac tended to fuck up her sleep schedule, and had volunteered to pick up Nicky and Codi. The old man had wanted to come too until Kai told him they were arriving at 3 in the morning. He swiftly retracted his offer not a second later.

Her light brown eyes wandered around the airport as she waited. She looked at a vending machine a couple of feet away, her eyes lighting up at the sight of a lonely pack of brown sugar pop-tarts dangling precariously inside the machine. She moved towards it (she and Nicky had figured out exactly how to hit the damn thing to drop their snack if it had ever gotten stuck) when she caught sight of Nicky, her brow arching at the slumbering brunette resting on her back.


"Bakayarou." Nicky returned, Kai giving her little sister a pleased grin as Nicky adjusted the sleeping Codi a bit higher on her back. The brunette let out an irritated grumble at the light jostling before nuzzling her head into the blonde's neck, Kai's lips pursing slightly in amusement as her sister glared at her.

"Not a word."

Kai zipped her lips even as they curled into a smirk, Nicky rolling her eyes. A quiet chuckle left the elder as she placed her hands on her hips when her eyes caught sight of a woman with hair whiter than snow and chocolate brown eyes. She let out a pleased hum that made Nicky furrow her brow and look behind her before looking back at Kai.


"What?! I can't admire beauty?" Kai huffed. Nicky letting out a soft 'tsk'.

"Not when it's Codi's cousin."

"Get out!" Kai whisper-yelled as Win finally caught up to them, the white-haired woman giving them a grin as she stuffed her phone into her pants back pocket. Her other hand keeping a firm hold on Orange and Russet's pet carrier.

"You must be Kai. Nicky's told Codi and I a bit about you."

"Did she now? All good things I hope."

"Not one bit." Win chuckled as she placed her hands into her pants back pockets. Kai tsked as she looked from the gorgeous Brit to her little sister, Nicky shaking her head slightly.

"You wound me, Suke-chan."

"Shut up and get the luggage will ya? I'm a bit occupied here." Nicky grumbled, gently adjusting Codi once more. Kai rose her hands up in mock surrender and headed towards the conveyor belt, Win watching her go before gently nudging Nicky's shin with the side of her shoe.

"How dare you tempt me with such a sight~." Win hummed as her gaze never left Kai. Nicky sighed at the two of them before moving towards the airport's exit.
< >
"You know I kinda get why Silus would want this car. It's so sleek-lookin'." Win chuckled after climbing out the spoken Cadillac and she and Codi looked at it.

"That would be the wax. Jiji put like 8 layers on the damn thing. Damn thing's more butter than car." Kai huffed as she and Nicky pulled out the luggage from the trunk.

"8 layers, seriously?" Nicky questioned, Kai nodding as they moved to place the luggage by the front door and Nicky pressed the doorbell.

"Yup. Didn't want his 'money maker' to look ugly. Still can't believe you'd pay 90k for the relic, Tora-chan." Kai hummed, Codi looking from the car to the blonde as she kept a firm hold on the kittens.

"I'm not stingy when it comes to gifts."

"Yeah? Cause there's this neat-lookin' condo-omph!" Kai grunted when Nicky elbowed her side, the older blonde pouted as she rubbed the injured spot.

"Kiddin', Kiddin' sheesh." Kai grumbled as the door opened and made the two blondes look at Silus as he gazed at the two of them.

"Miss Nicky. Miss..."

"Name's Kai, fella."

"Miss Kai. Silus. It's a pleasure." Silus greeted, Kai giving him a wide grin as he looked at the luggage in their hands.

"Here, let me-"

"We got it, Cadillac. 'Sides, Codi's got something for ya." Nicky interrupted and made Silus's brow furrow in a rare display of confusion. He moved to the side in the hallway to let the two of them enter with the bags and moved to walk outside when Win popped into view.

"You don't look a day over 60, Si!"

"Miss Win. It's always good to see you."

"Of course it is! Who wouldn't be happy to see me, after all?" She laughed as she cupped each side of Silu's face for a moment. The two looked to each other before Win's smile grew softer.

"I've missed you, geezer."

"I've missed you too, Winnington. I'm glad you're well."

"As am I." She murmured as she gently patted the older man's face before dropping her arms back to her sides and slipped into the house. Silus watched her begin to explore the home before turning back to the door and finally stepped out.

"You know I would've picked you up from the airport, Master Codi. It's not as if I need much sl-" He started before cutting himself off as he finally got to look towards Codi. His gaze ran over the old-school Cadillac for a moment before looking to Codi, his young master giving him a wary smile.

"Surprise. I wanted to put a bow on it but it felt rude to ask Kai to take a detour after she was kind enough to pick us up." She explained as Silus walked towards her and the car, stopping in front of her.

"Why did you get this? It wasn't necessary. "

"I know it wasn't necessary."

"Then why get it?"

"Because it's the least I could do for you, Silus." She answered, her grip on the pet carrier tightening a bit.

"I know you're minimalistic. I mean, your room's more bare than a bloody desert. But you've done so much for me, Silus."

"You never really express a desire for anything. So when you mentioned you wanted a bloody car of all things, well I went searching." Silus's gaze looked over Codi before turning to face the car, his arms resting behind his back. Codi bit her lip at the man's silence and spoke up once more.

"It's a drop in the ocean compared to what you've done for me-"

"Thank you, Codi." Silus interrupted, the brunette's mouth snapping shut. The man's head turned to face Codi once more as the corner of his lips quirked up by an inch.

"Truly." He finished, Codi giving him a smile of her own as he released a sigh.

"Well, if we're doing surprises. I have one for you as well. Though it's not as joyful as this one."

Codi's happy expression faded slightly as she tilted her head in confusion. Win's voice making the both of them look at the house.

"Silus!! What's with the two men handcuffed to the banister!?"



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