The Fool's Journey begins

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Chapter 58

"Zen, come on. Time to head to-" Parks spoke as he went to enter the game room before cutting himself off as he took in the scene. He quickly ducked to the side of the door, peeking his head out to watch his baby sister.

"Hit me."

Kenzie's brow rose at Zen's demand before shrugging and lifted a hand.

Zen's low groan making the taller brunette chuckle.

"Bust." Kenzie spoke as Zen glared down at the cards between them. Kenzie's being two kings while Zen had a Queen, a six of diamonds and King.

"How have you beaten me in every game we've played!?" Zen exclaimed lightly, her arms crossing against her chest as Kenzie picked up the cards and placed them back with their deck.

"Just luck, I guess Zen." Kenzie answered softly, her fingers playing with the card deck as Zen growled and fell onto her back. Her hightops rested flat against the floor as she stared at the ceiling.

"...Say, Kenzie."


"I'm having alot of fun. All's that's missing is a fire." Zen spoke, a small grin on her face.

"Y-Yeah? I-I'm having fun too." Kenzie stammered out as her cheeks flushed red, a sweet (yet a bit goofy, in Parks' opinion) grin having taken over her lips. Parks watched, sneakily of course; ninja-like, as Kenzie continued to play around with the deck of cards before her face seemed to light up.

The teen scooted closer to Zen on the carpet floor, her knee resting lightly against the toe of the younger's hightop. She tapped the cards against Zen's bent leg, the shorter of the two picking her upper body up with her hands resting behind her.

"I could teach you how to shuffle cards. I-if you want, of course!" Kenzie offered, Zen tilting her head before she adjusted herself into a sitting position. Her arms rested against her now crossed legs as her pale-blue gaze flickered from the cards to Kenzie, her back straightening a bit when she saw Kenzie's face grow even more flushed.

"Teach me."

"O-Okay, awesome! So first what'cha do is..." Kenzie's voice became quieter and quieter as Parks pulled away from his hiding spot and moved to lean against the banister.

It was nice to see his baby sister interacting with people that weren't him or their lovely, foolhardy big sister.

He could give them five more minutes.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, a quiet hum leaving him when he saw that there was a text from Nel. His calm aura turned into one of light exasperation when he read his sister's text.

[ Nellie Furtado <12:17 am>:
> Got into a bar fight. Donut broke a bottle on my head. Getting checked out then I'll head to the hotel. ]

[Nellie Furtado <12:17 am>:
> Don't tell Zen. I'll never hear the end of it.]

Parks let out a low huff through his nose. Oh, he was definitely telling Zen.

[Parks and Recreation <12:57 am>:
> Can't go a day without mucking something up, huh Nel? *sigh*, you never cease to impress.]

[Parks and Recreation <12:58 am>:
> BTW, Zen made a friend today! Crazy, huh!? It's cute! Our little Zen's growing up so fast *wipes away a tear*]

< >

Nicky let out a low grumble as her eyes lazily blinked open. She breathed calmly through her nose as she turned her head towards the window to see the night was slowly beginning to turn to Dawn.

She turned her head to the right, taking notice of the brown strands that laid wildly against her arm and pillow. The blonde slowly turned herself onto her side, laying her free arm over Codi's waist and carefully pulled the sleeping woman closer.

Codi's back rested completely against Nicky's front as the blonde's fingers lazily stroked the brunette's abdomen, her oversized sleep shirt having ridden up to rest at her ribs. She continued the calm strokes as she nuzzled her nose against Codi's hair, the only contrast to the brunette's skin being the kittens' fur as Orange and Russet slept against their soft owner's belly.

Her fingers only stilling when a slightly smaller, slim hand rested atop of her own and linked their fingers together. Their joined hands resting beside Russet and Orange's slumbering forms.

Nicky's lips curled into a grin, it being hidden in soft brown strands as she fell back asleep.

She could get used to this.

She wanted to get used to this.

And Codi wanted to get used to it too.

The brunette tightening her hold on Nicky's fingers.

< >

"Alright, Zenny. Time to get going. We've more then overstayed our welcome." Parks spoke as he fully entered the game room, the two girls looking towards him. He stuffed his hands into his coat's pockets while his heart gave a sympathetic twinge when he saw the twin dejected looks.

Ugh, he felt like he just kicked a puppy. Two adorable little puppies. But they really needed to leave, Codi was kind but Parks wasn't willing to take advantage of that kindness.

The world had done that far too much to the woman, in Parks' opinion.

Zen looked from her brother to Kenzie when her ears gave a slight twitch and she dug into her pants pocket. She pulled out her phone, unlocking it and opening the contacts app before handing it to the taller brunette.


"Y-You sure?"

" 'Course. I like you." Zen answered.

Such simple words. Spoken with smooth ease. And yet it made Kenzie's heart seem to skip a beat as she took Zen's phone in her hands.

Parks grinned at the little interaction before he turned around.

"We're waiting outside, Zen." He told her as he walked out of the room and headed downstairs.

Kenzie finished up typing her number in Zen's phone, a small shiver going down her back when their fingers brushed.

Zen took her phone and stuffed it back into her pocket as she picked herself up. She dusted off her pants as she looked down to Kenzie, the teen looking up at her as she remained sitting on the floor.

"See you, Kenzie."

"B-Be safe, Zen." Kenzie murmured as Zen began to walk away, her shoulders slumping slightly as her gaze went to the discarded cards on the floor. She moved to pick them up and didn't see as Zen stilled, her fingertips tapping against each other before she gave that hand a single harsh shake and turned back towards Kenzie.

She walked towards the taller brunette and crouched down right beside her. She leaned her head forward, her lips pressing against soft, warm mocha skin as she kissed Kenzie's cheek.

A surprised noise left the teen as she turned her head, amused/pleased pale-blue connecting with surprised brown.

"I'll text you later." Zen hummed before hurrying back up onto her feet and walking out the room. A genuine smile on her lips as she headed downstairs.

A single high-pitched squeak was the only thing that managed to leave Kenzie's mouth as she stared at the open door.

Her face making even a tomato impressed with how red it was.

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