Let's get down to business (Stop making fucking remakes, Disney)

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Chapter 9
<5 Days until the Wedding>

"So Codes, how is Nicky in the bedroom?" Win asked with a grin, her cousin's ears turning bright red at the tips before she smacked the older woman's head with her book. The white-haired woman winced through her laughter as Dallas glared at a nearby wall, Iris releasing a soft hum at her granddaughters while lazily turning the page of her magazine.

"Honestly, Win! That's not something you need to know!"

"Ah, come on! At least, tell me if she's good! Sometimes, you can catch quite the looker but then they're absolute shite when you're fuckin'." Win groaned as she leaned back in her chair, her voice echoing in the empty hotel restaurant. Dallas rolling her eyes at her niece's antics while her daughter simply sighed.

"You're nearly as crude as Nicky." Codi sighed, a happy grin on her cousin's face.

"And we haven't 'done anything' yet." She mumbled, Win's eyes widening before she grabbed the legs of Codi's chair and shook it. The brunette letting out a squeak of surprise at the sudden movement.

"What?! You haven't fucked her yet?!"

"We've only been dating for a few months! Didn't you teach me not to put out on the first date?!" Codi yelped as she moved to grab Win's shoulders, the older Edwards stopping her assault on her cousin and looked to her before letting out a soft tsk.

"I did. I did. Never fuck on the first date. End up doin' it and they'll never respect ya." Win sighed in agreement, the cousins not noticing their grandmother still in all movement. Iris looked slightly above her magazine, her eyes settling on the table's white cloth.

"...Stop teasing your cousin, Win. And stop asking about her sex life just because yours disappeared." Iris spoke up, Win spluttering as Codi grinned and poked her cheek.

"Hah! I got Grandma on my side."

"Oh, hush you pineapple-loving lesbian."

"Pineapple's good. And you're as much of a lesbian as me. Probably more." Codi shrugged, Win arching a brow before she grinned and leaned back in her chair once more.

"Not probably. I'm way more gayer than you."


< >
Nicky glared tiredly at the polished elevator doors as it stopped at a floor she didn't pick. She looked at the buttons and leaned her head back while closing her eyes when she saw that she was still 15 floors away from the hotel restaurant.

The doors opened while she moved her head back to its natural position to see Nel on the other side. They looked to one another for a moment, the elevator doors beginning to close once more when Nicky pushed them back open.

"You getting on or what?"

"Oh, thank you." Nel spoke while getting on, the blonde poking the close button. Nicky stuffed her hands back into her slacks while Nel held her clutch in front of her.

"...I never would've thought Codi would bring someone to meet her family."

"...How come?." Nicky questioned, her voice hard as they both stared at the elevator doors.

"Because, the girl's been trapped in the closet since I met her." Nel answered, a small grin on her face.

"She didn't want to come, you know. Didn't care that her brother was getting married but then she'd feel guilty about not caring. I think she only came to see Win." Nicky spoke, her casual slouch disappearing as her back straightened. Nel looking from the corner of her eye and thinking the blonde was taller than she initially thought.

"I don't know about you Brits nor do I care enough to learn, but in America people try not to marry their 'best-friend's' older brother."

"...Codi left. Not me. And Lucas...He was there and he was kind."

"Sure he was." Nicky snorted, their destination being a floor away while Nel turned slightly to face her. The brunette's brow furrowed as her hands tightened against her clutch.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"...What I'm saying is that if you never cheated on Codi with her brother, then she probably would've stayed." Nicky growled, the elevator doors opening with a soft ding while Nel's eyes widened. The blonde walked out and headed towards the Hotel's restaurant when she felt a hand clutch her forearm.

"How do you know about that?" The brunette asked hastily, Nicky arching her brow as she shook her arm out of the other's grip.

"How do you think?" She countered, Nel's eyes gaining a light sheen and made Nicky glare down at her.

"She knew?"

"Codi may be an anxiety-riddled weeb but she's not an idiot. And for you to think she is, is absolutely insulting." Nicky growled before stalking towards the restaurant, she stopped at the entrance and looked over the tables and caught sight of Codi and her family on the table to the left. Win laughed at something her cousin said as the blonde got closer to the table.

"What's going on here?" She asked as she got to the table, standing behind Codi's chair and making her tilt her head back while Win looked at her. The white-haired woman grinned widely as she leaned back in her chair.

"We're just shittin' on the Disney remakes. They're all shit, especially that Beast and Beauty one."

"The Lion King remake is much worse." Codi countered, Nicky taking the seat next to her while Win nodded.

"You're not wrong. Honestly all the voice actors sounded so dead inside."

Nicky chuckled at the two, moving her arm to lay it over Codi's shoulders and lean closer to her in order to nuzzle the brunette's ear. She thanked the waiter who placed a glass of water in front of her while Nel finally got to the table, Lucas jogging to also join them.

"Sorry 'bout that, Overslept." Lucas laughed, he and his fiance sitting down next to his parents, and picked up one of the menus at the center of the table.

"You're gonna be late to your own bloody funeral." Win tsked, Lucas laughing at his cousin and placed his arm over Nel's shoulders. He remained oblivious to her shoulders tensing as she looked towards Codi, the shorter brunette's gaze focused on her own menu, she and Nicky looking over the choices.

Disney needs to stop with the remakes.
I'm tired.


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