Sibling-bonding (ft. Cake)

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Chapter 53

Seth released a low whistle as he and his siblings entered Hale Academy, the whistle echoing in the empty hall. Kenzie's brows rising as well as she took in the well-decorated main hall.

"I'm scared to touch anything." Kenzie murmured as she and Seth followed behind Jacob as the eldest Underwood headed towards the Headmaster's office. Seth nodded his head in agreement and gave his baby sister a nudge to the arm, the youngest looking towards her big brother.

"I bet they buff the floors so much you can slide on 'em." He joked lightly and gained a quiet chuckle from Kenzie when a new voice made the three look to the left of them.

"You can. It's quite a bit of fun, to be honest." The woman spoke, Kenzie taking notice of her bright grey eyes, before she grinned at the siblings.

"You must be the Underwoods. I'm Alexandria Hale. Headmistress of this quaint little academy."

"Little ain't the word I'd use." Seth muttered under his breath, Alexandria's ears giving a single twitch as she let out a soft snort at the man.

"You're not wrong, Mr. Underwood."

"Oh uh, You can just call me Seth." Seth stammered, a bit confused at how the woman managed to hear him.

"Seth." Alexandria nodded before looking to Jacob, the tallest of the three crossing his arms against his chest. He gave the woman a slight bow of his head.

"Jacob." He introduced, the grey-eyed woman giving him a hum before her gaze settled on Kenzie. The younger brunette's back straightened as she connected her gaze with Alexandria's.

It felt as if a wolf was looking at her.

Not as Prey, no. Alexandria's gaze, while intimidating, seemed to simply be assessing her. You would think that those grey eyes would be cold, to match that steel color. But they were warm, like staring into the orange flames of a fire.

It reminded Kenzie of Codi's eyes strangely enough. That kind, patient gaze.

A gentle softness to contrast the sharp colors.

"So you must be Kenzie."

"H-Hi. Ma'am."

"Hello, Kenzie. Come, let me show you around." Alexandria chuckled before taking a few steps away from the siblings and deeper into the hall.

Kenzie looked from Seth and Jacob, her brothers giving her nods of encouragement. The eldest Underwood placing his hand atop of the youngest's shoulder.

"We'll wait right here." He told her, recieving a nod before Kenzie moved to follow behind the headmistress.

"Lead the way."

< >

"Why am I doing this again?" Nicky questioned as she cracked open another egg into the bowl of cake batter. She tossed the eggshells into the garbage and reached for the vanilla extract.

"Because you're my sister and you love me." Kai answered from her spot by their small apartment's island, her arm moving rapidly as she whisked the liquidy whipped cream. She stilled to look at the liquid, her brow furrowing as she saw that it still wasn't fluffy like in the tutorial video.

"Sure but why? Like why a cake? Can't you just go to Ultima Baker or something?" Nicky added as she tossed in a cup of applesauce before beginning to beat the ingredients together.

"We've already tried the whole menu. Why aren't you Fluffy, damn it!? Fluff!!"  Kai growled as she whisked the cream even harder. Nicky letting out a rare surprised noise.

"Everything? Ain't there like 50 items on there?"

"We're gonna have lunch tomorrow and Win's got a sweet tooth. Hence-" Kai explained, trailing off. Nicky looking from her bowl to Kai's.

"A cake." Nicky finished, tapping the whisk against the bowl for a second before licking up the raw batter. She took another lick as she looked back to her older sister to see the other blonde glaring down at her bowl of whipping cream.

"I'm gonna fucking throw this damn thing off the balcony." She growled, Nicky getting one last lick off the whisk before putting it in the sink and looking into the bowl. She pushed Kai to the side, taking the whisk in her hand as she reached for the confectionary sugar with the other.

"You put too much whipping cream, Bakayarou. Gotta even it out with the sugar." The younger blonde explained adding a bit more of the soft, fine sugar before beginning to whisk at it. Kai's brow arching high when she saw as it immediately began to get fluffy.

"I see why you're mom's favorite now." Kai joked lightly as Nicky finished whisking.

"Cause I'm better than you?"


"Dumbass." Nicky countered with ease, Kai giving a light punch to her shoulder. Nicky gave one back before the two siblings began to scuffle, a low grunt leaving the younger blonde when they tumbled to the floor.

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