Grandma's pretty chill

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Chapter 7

"So, Nicky. How on earth did you manage to trap my little sister?" Win questioned as she snatched a chair from a fellow table and turned it so its back was facing the table before sitting down. Nicky arching a brow as she took a sip from her drink.

"Trap, you say?"

"Yup-a-roo. Cause she can do way better than you." The white-haired woman stated bluntly, Nicky smirking into her glass while Codi lightly shoved her cousin's shoulder.


"I like you." The blonde declared, still holding onto her glass as she pointed at Win with her pinky. Win herself taking the shot glass that a waiter handed to her and lifted it to Nicky, the two of them clinking their drinks.

"And I like you. Unless you break Codi's little heart, then I'll kill ya." Win grinned, Nicky leaning back in her chair as Codi rolled her eyes at the two of them.

"You'll have to beat Silus for that spot. Bastard's fast for an old geezer."

"Who do you think taught me how to kill someone?"

"Oh come off it, Win. You get nauseous looking at a paper cut." Codi teased, her cousin easily downing the shot before leaning towards the brunette.

"Oi, you'll ruin my street cred! Don't go saying all that jazz, I'm the intimidating one in this family!"

"No, that's grandma. You're the cool cousin." Codi grinned, Win laughing as she dragged the brunette's chair closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The older of the two nudging their heads together as she chuckled.

"Damn right, I am!" Win laughed while ruffling Codi's hair, her cousin letting out a huff as she squirmed out of the elder's hold and tried fixing her hair back up.

"Took me a bloody half hour to fix this mess." Codi grumbled, Win lightly bumping her shoulder as she turned back to Nicky.

"Ah, it looks way better like that. Right, Cowgirl?"

"Absolutely. Looks just like after we have a good night." Nicky teased, Codi's face flushing bright red before she balled up her napkin and threw it at her. Nicky and Win laughing at the poor woman.

"Honestly, Nicky!"

"At least I know you're getting some, baby sister! It's not good to keep things wound up for too long, you know!"

"That's not something you have to know, Win!!" Codi growled, the two cousins continuing to bicker and only letting Nicky see Iris walking towards them.

"What's not something Win should know?"


"Finally decided to come to the cool table, huh Granny?" Win teased, Iris lightly smacking the back of her head as she walked to take the seat next to Nicky.

"So lovely to see you again, Codi. I've missed having tea with you." Iris told her youngest grandchild, Codi's eyes lowering to look at the table. The brunette's fingers fiddling with the table cloth.

"I-I've missed you too, grandmother." The eldest Edwards smiled softly before looking to Nicky, the blonde taking a sip from her drink.

"And who might this be?"

"Nicky Santos. Codi's girlfriend. It's a pleasure." Nicky introduced, offering her hand to the older woman.

"Iris Edwards. Win and Codi's grandmother." Iris offered back as she placed her hand in Nicky's and hummed when the blonde kissed her hand. Codi rolling her eyes at the smirking blonde while Win leaned into her chair in order to whisper loudly towards her grandmother.

"She's a Texan, you know."

"You don't say? How on earth did a Texan learn manners?"

"I was raised by the Japanese."

"You were?" Codi interrupted, Nicky smirking as she leaned against the table.

"Kai's family adopted me when I was twelve."

"So Kai's your sister?"

"Adopted sister."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Didn't ask. Besides, your family's way more interesting to learn about." Nicky chuckled, Iris shaking her head softly while Win groaned as she leaned back dramatically.

"Codi! You never tell people you like, that we exist! Well, except for me cause I'm God's Gift to the World but everyone else? Just say they're dead or cannibals or something! Anything's better than meeting your mother!"

"That's still my mother, Win."

"Along with being your aunt and my daughter. But...even still, do try to pretend we don't exist next time." Iris warned her eldest granddaughter, Win rolling her eyes as she lazily waved a hand around, as she patted Codi's hand. The brunette huffing as she leaned against the table, Nicky grinning at the Edwards women.

"I'm not Jesus, you know. I have to have parents."

"Nah, cuckoo birds don't raise their kids."

"I'm not a bird!" Codi exclaimed in exasperation as she rubbed at her forehead, Nicky chuckling and gaining a glare from the brunette.

"You'd be a sexy bird." Nicky encouraged, Codi's face becoming a soft red once more and making Iris grin into her glass of water.

"So, Nicky Santos. How did you manage to snag such a catch as my granddaughter?"

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