Bonus: A day in the life of Orange Edwards-Santos

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Bonus: A Day in the Life of Orange Edwards-Santos

A soft grumble echoed about as Orange woke up, his bright blue eyes blinking open and roaming around the upside-down room. His tail swayed lazily as he moved to settle himself onto his paws, shaking his luscious fur out before stretching out his back and legs.

He blinked a few more times, his pupils expanding from their slits and regaining their soft roundedness as he looked to the pillow bed. His head tilted slightly when he saw that his sister wasn't on their shared bed before he walked out the door and down the stairs, his soft paws were silent as he headed into the kitchen.

He let out a soft mew at the Quiet One, the man's eyes flickering from where he was cooking to him. The human's gray hair was perfectly groomed back as he gave Orange a soft hum as he resumed cooking. Orange trotted towards him before hopping up onto the countertop beside the stove, his tail laying over the counter's edge as he watched the Quiet one stir a pot.

He let out another soft mew to gain the man's attention, blue eyes looking towards him once more.

"Care to be my taster today?" He asked the cat, Orange licking his maw as an answer. The quiet one moved about the kitchen, opening a drawer and pulling out a plastic spoon before dipping it into the pot. He carefully lifted it out, Orange watching with wide eyes as he brought it towards the cat, his other hand resting under the spoon.

Orange's whiskers twitched as he took in the exquisite aroma coming from the broth on the spoon, his head craning forward as he stuck his tongue out to lap at the liquid. He quickly drank the small offering up, licking up the small droplets that stuck to his mouth as he looked up at the Quiet One.


Orange's tail swayed lightly as he let out a soft mew and tapped at the countertop with his paw. The quiet one opened the spice drawer beneath the cat, watching as Orange sniffed around the spices before he nudged at the paprika spice bottle. The human took the bottle and unscrewed the cap, sprinkling a bit more of the spice into the broth and making Orange let out a small mew of content.

He hopped off the counter, giving his luscious fur a quick shake before trotting out of the kitchen. Silus watching the cat strut away as his tail swayed about.

Orange walked about, wondering where his sister vanished to when he caught sight of the gentle one. The lanky human was talking to a small rectangle that she was resting against the side of her face when she caught sight of Orange, the boy cat looking up at her with curious eyes.

"Surfing? Well the next time you come over, we'll drive to Jersey and you can show me how good you are with a board." The gentle one spoke with a chuckle as she crouched down to scratch a finger underneath Orange's chin. The cat released a pleased purr at the soft scratching, his head tilting up to show more of the underside of his chin.

His eyes fluttered shut for a moment before they opened when the gentle one drew her hand away as she rose back to her full height. He looked up at her, his tail swishing slightly as he watched her walk away.

"We'll make a day out of it, Zen. I can even show you a pretty stellar pizza joint by the boardwalk." The gentle one chuckled as she disappeared up the stairs, Orange's ears flicking before he continued on his walk towards the soft one's hidden den. He trotted on light feet, blinking once in surprise at the door being slightly ajar and quickly slipped through the gap.

He shook his fur out, letting out a curious mew as he took notice of one of the intimidating one's friends standing in front of the soft one. The soft one looked towards him for a second, recieving a quick grin before she looked back at the human. His ears flicked in curiosity, his eyes moving about the den and finally catching sight of his sister.

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