chapter 1

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Meredith woke up to her alarm blaring as she rolled over to shut it off. She sat up in bed and opened her eyes slowly. She checked her phone and saw two missed calls from her work which she chose to ignore.

It had been about 3 years approximately since she left Seattle and never looked back. Derek chose Addison and that broke her, she gave him everything and in return he chose Addison. She understood why but didn't understand how he could throw everything they had away for someone who cheated on him.

She had a passion for neurosurgery and she wasn't letting Derek get in the way of that. She applied to Mass Gen and another hospital in Boston since she had her old apartment there. She had rented the apartment to an old friend and moved back in with her.

(Sentences in italics are flashbacks or memories)

"Cristina!" I exclaimed as I ran down the stairs with an envelope in my hand

"What? What Happened?!"

"I got in!" I shouted in excitement

"Got in where?!"

"Oh my god, I never told you..." I said as my face went from happy to confused

"Tell me!"

"I applied to Mass Gen, i'm transferring."

"What? Why?!"

"I need to focus on myself and my work. I can't do that here. I'm moving to Boston"

Cristina didn't say anything, she hugged me tightly which surprised me because we had never hugged before.

"Umm what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna miss you Mer."

"I'm gonna call you everyday and I'll try and visit I promise." I responded as I hugged her back

She heard glass shatter so she ran downstairs and saw Mia standing in front of broken glass and ran over to her and picked her up and sat her down on the couch in the living room.

"Mia sweetie be careful! Glass is sharp"

"Sorry mommy I was trying to make breakfast."

"Thats my job silly!" she laughed as she tickled her before walking back over to the kitchen to clean up the glass.

Mia Elise Grey-Shepherd is Derek and Meredith's daughter, he doesn't know about her even through she called him many times and tried to tell him. When she first found out she was hesitant about calling him but ended up deciding to tell him but he never answered his phone.

When Mia was born she tried calling but he didn't answer again, she knew he would want to know and he deserved to know even though he didn't but she called again anyway. The second time he did answer but his response wasn't very pleasant.


"Meredith stop calling! I'm married and you calling is ruining my marriage! You are the past I don't want you in my life anymore and that can't happen if you keep calling me."

Before Meredith could respond he hung up and Meredith sat in her hospital bed shocked at what he said. Before she could do anything else a nurse walked back in with Mia in her arms.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, how is she?" Meredith asked as the nurse handed her to Meredith

"She's perfect, you should be able to go home today with your new baby girl." The nurse said as she cleaned up Meredith's room.

Mia had Derek's blue eyes and Meredith's hair. She had Meredith's lips and face shape but something about her smile reminded Meredith of Derek. She had Derek's McDreamy smile and that made Meredith smile even more.

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