Dream Infestation (Part 3)

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Sakusa's POV

Three nights. It has been three nights since I started dreaming of him. I never understood why or how I did. Just one interaction with him from months ago and suddenly he is all that shows up in my head at night? It is like some sort of spell, all my dreams have been so different from the normal.

Usually my days consist of a very straightforward routine. Wake up at 6:00 and immediately shower, even if I showered the night before. My mind will not let me go without showering at least twice a day, in acknowledgement of that I have to use lukewarm water during my showers and put on lotion after showering to make sure my skin will not dry. I go to school until a little after lunch and make sure I walk home. It is a long walk but anything is better than the disgusting public transport. Normally I would have practice but we have not been doing Volleyball much after the Spring Interhigh. As soon as I get home I clean and make food and then clean again all until I shower and sleep. This is how my day used to go.

However, ever since those damned dreams of him I have been inconsistent, sometimes showering and cleaning MORE to get him off my mind, sometimes being too caught up in my head to remember my normal routine. The first night, I was in the stands of the gym used for the Spring Interhigh, not playing but watching. After looking down more I realized I was in the side of the stands that was cheering for Inarizaki High, wearing their colors and all. Then, after looking down at the gym what I saw somehow made my tears water, I could not move my hands to wipe my tears or do anything other than move my head. Inarizaki lost to Karasuno, just like reality, but Atsumu, the one who came up to me during our training, was looking at me as he looked defeated. His eyes were gleaming almost like he had just seen a god and I was not sure why.

The next night was not any less weird. This time I was in a different gym, possibly the Inarizaki gym based off the banners and the color scheme around the gym. Now on the court my legs began moving to a figure that I soon processed as being him again. The blonde devil who was in my dreams the night before, Atsumu. Nothing else was around other than people surrounding the stands, otherwise, the court was completely empty. Just him and I. His presence was pulling me closer towards him, normally I would be filled with disgust but it was as if he was the only thing that left my mind at peace from the phobia that tormented me. I embraced him, feeling like I was holding on to the lost gem of the world, and then, I was awake.

By the time the third night came, I had tried to prepare myself for the potential of seeing him again in my dreams. I tried to clear my mind of the thoughts that normally plagued me and drifted back into another realm. A beach, a very beautiful beach. The skies looked like the reflection of light off of a diamond, flaunting its beauty with grandeur. Looking away I saw Atsumu. His appearance was even more dreamy than in nights past, like he had been blessed with some of the beauty being expressed in the sky above. He began moving towards me and before his foot could hit the ground, light flashed and I had woken up. The dream felt unfinished, like there was something that interrupted the moment and I woke up feeling light.

I am now a few hours into my day, having ignored my mind and all of my routine until now, I was obsessively cleaning everything in a trance. No longer following the order of where and when I would clean I just did, until my phone dinged. The sound of what is probably a text message that pulled me back into reality. When I looked at my phone I dropped everything and just stared at it for a minute

12:35 p.m

Atsumu: OMI-OMI!!!

There is no way he just texted me right? How did he even get my number? While I was confused and lost after I had been pulled out of my trance, I was also relieved. It felt like for some reason I was under a soothing spell and I could finally sit down and concentrate on something else, that being Atsumu.

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