20 Questions (Part 5)

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HEY Y'ALL! Okay so this part is simply a continuation of events in Part 4, I want this to be shorter because I think it would be easier to do this than just shove two days worth of story into one chapter yeh know?

ALSO a little life update, I passed my license test! This just means I will be way less tired from practicing and can focus on writing more from now on which I am really happy about. Otherwise, I hope y'all enjoy this short but cute chapter!

After about a minute, he let me go from his embrace and we both looked at each other. It became clear he didn't realize what he did until right after because the realization showed on his face through a series of dramatic expressions. Disgust? Embarrassment? Maybe both? Who knows but whatever look it was, it was the most oddly interesting thing to look at.

"Now tell me, Omi, what is that FACE!" After realizing that he was also making faces he quickly shook his head and immediately went back to having his blank expression. It was super easy to tell this was his normal expression even when he had a mask.

"Nothing nothing, sorry about that, is it okay if we sit somewhere now? You said you cleaned... right?" he said worryingly. Clearly his germaphobia was slowly trickling back in so it is best I help to alleviate it.

"Yup! Two times over every area until it smelled like a cleaning supply store in here," hearing this made Omi brighten up a little.

"I prefer three times, but I appreciate the sentiment... of you know, taking into consideration my phobia. Not many people do that for me so I stay standing if I go to their house." Just after saying this Omi slowly headed over to the living room which was next to where we had been standing. Then, sitting on the couch, he slowly eased into a comfortable position. Sometimes I felt bad about his phobia, knowing when he wasn't distracted his body involuntarily tensed up when coming into contact with anything unfamiliar. All I could hope was that he could at least forget a little about his phobia while he stayed with me. Keeping this in mind I sat in the lounge chair next to his side of the couch, sure to give him enough space.

"You don't have to sit so far away from me, I can tell you care about my germaphobia but..." he took a shaky breath before sitting back more and continuing, "I feel comfortable here so you don't have to worry about me as much," with this I moved my position to the same couch as him still leaving some space.

"So... Do you want to watch a movie and we can talk over it? I guess we still only ever saw each other a few times before so while you're here I would like to get to know you better," I said as I reached for the remote that was on the lamp desk nearby.

"Sure, I could say the same. I will be spending time with you a lot more for the next week anyways," Omi said as I began scrolling through Netflix. We eventually agreed on watching some shows we have seen before since we are using the TV as background noise anyways. The silence probably wouldn't be uncomfortable without the TV if we had known each other more, but this would make it more comfortable for the both of us. Eventually about three minutes into watching Avatar The Last Airbender, we began playing twenty questions as a way to know each other better.

"I can spin first!" I began before spinning an online wheel that generated random questions for us. Omi thought using an online twenty questions generator was dumb but I managed to convince him which is why we are using it now. As the wheel slowed down I showed Omi my phone screen so he could read out the first question.

"What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?" Omi read out before looking at me expecting an answer. Immediately something came to mind but I could feel my face burn up just thinking about it. "That bad huh?" He continued before I composed myself enough to speak.

"Well um... There was this time in junior high when I went to the bathroom and my brother and I were doing prank wars. So... when I went in the bathroom he saw me and quickly ran up to me pantsing me just as someone exited one of the bathroom stalls. Let's just say I got my revenge later on though...." After saying this Omi hid his face in his shoulder so that I couldn't see it, he was clearly laughing. "HEY I KNOW YOU'RE LAUGHING DON'T JUST HIDE YOUR FACE LIKE THAT!" Just as I said that Omi burst out laughing still trying to cover his face. I've never heard him laugh but just hearing it was like a pleasant ringing that carried a bright tone I wasn't used to hearing.

"That's GREAT! Mine was just going to be about how a cockroach landed on my face when I stayed at a family friend's house for a party but THAT RIGHT THERE is comedy gold!" I couldn't tell if the burning sensation in my face was from embarrassment or awe aftering seeing Omi laugh. Eventually we continued the game all the way until question 10, then, the questions began to get interesting.

"Is there anyone you would like to date at the moment?" I read out, both Omi and I were in silence for a bit before I decided to respond first. "Well... I am not sure, I have been trying to figure that out actually," with this, Omi's face brightened a little before he asked me a question of his own.

"For how long have you been trying to figure this out?" I wasn't prepared to answer the question honestly, if he also had been dreaming about me I didn't want him to connect this the first day we hung out.

"A while... not too sure the exact time but it has definitely been for a while," Omi's face frowned a little before he quickly gave his own answer.

"Oh... I guess the same for me, I am not sure to be honest if I have anyone in mind but I'd like to figure it out," as he said this his face brightened a little before looking up at me with an indescribable expression. Was this happiness or relief? It wasn't anything negative but I couldn't figure out why he had that expression. After finishing the game, we got out the food I bought earlier before realizing how late it was. The time was already 6:00 and realizing this, Omi quickly finished his food and gathered his things in preparation to leave. This felt too soon so before he left I just had to ask him something

"Can we go out tomorrow!?" I said super loudly causing Omi to jolt. I realized how this sounded and quickly rephrased. "I know you prefer indoors but maybe tomorrow we can spend time out somewhere, if that's okay with you?" Omi's face neutralized causing me to let out a mental sigh knowing he realized what I meant. Yet, part of me wishes I stayed with my original question.

"Yeah, I can try, like I said I want to try and get out of my comfort zone even without my cousin's nagging me," he said as he slowly headed towards the door.

"Okay sounds like a plan! Sorry for holding you longer than you originally planned."

"No no I enjoyed it actually, well I will see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah... see you tomorrow," as soon as Omi left I walked upstairs and brushed my teeth, even if it was early, all the preparation made me feel dead.

"Ugh Omi what am I going to do with you..." I said before flopping on my bed and slowly drifting away into what would be the most relaxing slumber.

I want to see you in my dream tonight.


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