After I Dream (Part 2)

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It has been two hours since I talked with Samu and I am still excited to potentially get Omi-Omi's number. Will he talk to me? Maybe he is going through the same thing, but if he is, will he even tell me? He will probably just call me a germ if I even try and bring it up.... My mind trailed off into the endless abyss of adrenaline and self doubt. Eventually, Samu came up to my room holding his phone in his hand, the screen shining and showing a conversation with him and Suna.

    Carefully he tossed me his phone to make sure I didn't drop it, "You're welcome, our deal starts now." As I scroll through the conversation I see a phone number sent by Suna at the bottom of their texts.

    "Is this Omi's?" Immediately though, I regret using the new name around Samu as he begins to chuckle teasingly.

    "Omi? If you mean Sakusa then yes, it is his number as promised. I can only imagine Sakusa's face when he hears you call him Omi-Omi. You're definitely whipped." My face burned a slight tint of pink at the teasing remarks of my annoying twin brother.

    "I just didn't like the sound of his name! It was boring and I decided to give him a nickname EXCLUSIVE to him and I, not that it is your business." Gradually I tapped in the number to my phone and saved it, later handing back Samu his phone. "But thank you... for at least getting me his number."

    "Thank Suna later for giving it to me, you probably noticed I didn't tell him your situation but he still gave it to me. He is probably hoping for some extra special tea from this since he knows I hate Sakusa." Eventually grabbing back his phone, Samu walks out my room and closes the door. Now I just have to text him... that weirdly beautiful germaphobe. It's all or nothing. After a few minutes of jumping around with a mix of adrenaline, excitement and nervousness, I grab my phone and send a text.

12:35 p.m

Atsumu: OMI-OMI!!!
    Anxiously, I wait for the text to be read by him and surprisingly he reads it almost instantly. Hopefully my use of his exclusive nickname helps him recognize me.

Sakusa: Atsumu?

YES! He guessed it right away! Obviously he is still confused but at least after all this time he still remembers that only I call him Omi.

Atsumu: YUP YUP YOU GOT IT! Sorry if this is abrupt! I just haven't talked to you since the training camp and I guess I wanted to see how my favorite germaphobe was doing ;)

My excitement was translated well through my texting, I am not someone who texts differently than how I talk in real life, and I tend to talk pretty enthusiastically. Obviously if he is the same, this enthusiasm will make him irritated or make him call me a germ or something other than him returning that enthusiasm, right?

Sakusa: Oh okay.... It is not often someone texts me unless they need something so this is refreshing I guess. And how can I be your favorite germaphobe when I am the only one you know? Piss head.

    HUH?!? Not only did he call me piss head but he thinks me texting him is REFRESHING? I was immediately more happy at the interaction and then another text came through causing my phone to ding again, my heart suddenly skipping a beat.

Sakusa: How did you get my number anyways? If you don't mind me asking.

    Suddenly I came to my senses and realized, fuck, I never came up with an explanation. I went from a giddy and excited mess to feeling like I got hit with a Tesla at full speed. Should I say I asked my brother? No that's too weird because then I'd have to explain why I asked him. Maybe he has it in his socials? After checking and realizing he didn't even have more than a picture on his instagram profile, which was private by the way, I came to a crazy but simple conclusion on how to answer.

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