The First Whole Day Begins (Part 6)

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I woke up groggy and exhausted, last night's dream was definitely a lot to process. It is 7:30 am, early but regardless I probably slept about 12 hours just from pure exhaustion and my body only partially recovered. As I got myself up I slowly recalled the events of the most recent dream during my routine.

In this dream, I was no longer in the same beach setting as the past two dreams. Rather, this one took place at a familiar plaza in the Kansai region, a shopping district. I was not with Omi but I had this feeling he was also somewhere in the dream. In the shopping district I was walking around buying different souvenirs and I couldn't remember walking to the shops that had them, I could only remember what I bought. Some type of soap, a cute keychain of some animal, some festive pocky and a bracelet. I woke up after buying the last item and while doing my morning routine my mind kept telling me to remember what I bought in the dream. With this, I proceeded to take out my phone, initially ignoring the messages from Omi and Samu and wrote down what I bought in my phone notes. I was able to relax a bit after my morning routine and writing what I bought in my dream so I decided to read what Omi and Samu sent.

Sakusa: Good morning, I was thinking maybe around 11:00 we can start hanging out somewhere? I assume you may be asleep since you seemed tired before I left so I hope this isn't too early.

Good morning huh? I thought to myself, it was odd to see him say good morning, isn't that typically a couples thing? Obviously we aren't a couple but oddly enough it feels nice to know he at least will take the time to say good morning. Not to mention how early Omi was awake was also odd.

Atsumu: Good morning to you too! Odd how early you're awake unless you also slept early hmm? OH I should also change your contact name on my phone, how's Omi-Omi Germyphobey?

I am very sure he won't like the name but it would be nice to see his reaction to it at least. While waiting for his reply I decided to also look at Samu's chat since normally if he had something to say he'd just barge in my room and tell me.

Osamu: So did you guys fuck?

"WHAT??" As soon as I read this I ran to Samu's room and tackled him. "WHY YOU GOTTA MESSAGE ME THAT?"

"I have NO IDEA what this accusation is that you have presented me with," he proceeded to say as he flipped on top and had me in a chokehold.


"That's not what you say!" he said as I began to struggle even more to get out of his grip.

"FINE I AM THE LESSER TWIN!" with that Samu let go and I fell off the bed heaving, regretting every decision I made up till this point.

"You messaged me 'So did you guys fuck' OBVIOUSLY I am gonna be mad!" I yelled in between struggling breaths.

"OH haha that was just to see your reaction and when I went to check on you, you were out cold. The D must've been good then hmmm?" As soon as Samu finished his sentence I chucked a pillow at him and walked out of his room with a loud groan.

Stupid Samu, Stupid Stupid. My mind was bubbling with irritation and it had only been thirty minutes since I woke up and did my routine. As I went downstairs my phone dinged in my pocket and Omi ended up replying to my text.

Omi-Omi Germaphobey: 1. I normally wake up early. I just don't text anyone until later because I would normally be cleaning and 2. If I see that as my contact name I will jump through the phone and spray you.

Atsumu: Too late OMI-OMI GERMAPHOBEY .

Omi-Omi Germaphobey: Ooooo that block button looking real clean rn I might just...

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