So How'd It Go (Part 8)

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Atsumu POV

It was 12:30 and I was almost at the meeting spot Omi and I had set up. I am not sure when to give him the items I bought but the end of the seven dreams sounds best. I could see the flagpole where the bike was in the distance with Omi standing there waiting but he hadn't noticed me so I decided to admire the scenery while walking. There were more people than before, wrapped up in scarves and winter attire since it was still chilly. Some were with groups of friends, others with their families or significant others. I was sure Omi would be nervous because of the amount of people, but I found it endearing how happy the environment was. Once I had reached the flagpole, Omi gave me a death glare because he had to wait here with a bunch of people walking around.

"Please tell me while you were taking your sweet time you saw a nice, quiet, clean food shop...." Omi said as he began to stretch trying to get rid of his nerves.

"Mmmh NOPE BUT, I did see some food places we could try and peep into and you'll decide what looks best." After saying that I turned around to see some buildings that had been cooking food emit smoke from their chimneys, this seemed to be the busy hour since before there weren't so many smoking chimneys.

"Sure whatever, I trust myself more than I do you with picking somewhere clean."

"WOW RUDE OMI!" At this point, interactions like this, both in person and text, seemed natural. Omi would jokingly scold me while trying to hide his face and I would always react even if I anticipated it. Soon we began walking down the street admiring the different food places and pointing out each one.

"What food do we have in mind then?" Omi said while staying close to me as to not bump into someone else on the now crowded street. It took me a bit to think, I would love fatty tuna but maybe Omi would like something else. Before I knew it, I had been stopped by Omi pulling on my arm while pointing inside this one food shop.

"This what you want? I can't tell what they have-"

"Fatty tuna, they have fatty tuna and it's empty in there other than one couple." After realizing Omi had stopped to take us into a food place with sushi and fatty tuna I was excited.

"YES YES YOU'RE THE BEST OMI!" Before he could take a second to process I dragged him into the shop and we began ordering our food. The lady at the register was nice and she was both taking orders and working the register. Both Omi and I seemed to have felt bad so we gave a decent size tip which seemed to pay off. When the food was ready it was steaming and the plates and utensils were super decorative.

"Omi this looks SO GOOD can we eat now?!"

"First let's find somewhere to sit and eat because I am definitely not standing and eating."

We found a table after walking to the corner of the food place and Omi wiped it down with some spare sanitizing wipes before we both sat down. We were sitting next to each other in a booth next to a record player. The food place seemed to have a vintage aesthetic so everything in it was older, mostly the 80's.

"So is the aesthetic also why you chose this place? I didn't know you liked vintage." Omi glared at me as a response before he began eating his food. Us eating gave me time to think in our comfortable silence. Omi and I had talked a lot over text since I got his number but he seems much more reserved in person. Eventually I took it upon myself to tease and question Omi to get a conversation going.

"Now tell me Omi, what do you like about this region of Japan so far?" I asked with an arched eyebrow making my curiosity seem obvious.

"Well... from what I have seen it is cleaner than Tokyo, and I guess it is more lowkey which I appreciate but the amount of people is still too much for me," he said while making faces in the middle of chewing his food.

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