The Day I See Him (Part 4)

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HEY Y'ALL! Sorry it took me a little more than a day to write this part, I needed a little time cause I recently started swimming again and it leaves me SO tired but I don't mind it. Now I have the energy to write and I will be more consistent. After thinking out the story a little, I realized this may take longer than I THOUGHT. I wanted to make a brief maybe 5 part story but the more I come up with ideas on how to continue it and what characters to add the more I wanna write. In conclusion, this may be a little lengthy and take more than a week but as long as it is well received then yeeyee. PHOTO CRED TO kmkamio ON TUMBLR.

This chapter is a whole day runthrough up to when Sakusa arrives at the Kansai Region and also about Atsumu's dream for the fourth night. I think I will keep this one all Atsumu's POV since there will be a lot of external dialogue and not as much internal but WHO KNOWS.

The Next Day (Atsumu POV)

Part 4

"What... was THAT?!?" I yelled after waking up from probably the weirdest dream EVER! Half of it was a blur but the second half was definitely not. I felt like I had control over the dream too, like a lucid dream. In it, I was interacting with Omi, not speaking but rather physically interacting with him. I was holding his hand while walking on the same beach from the third dream. It was almost like a scene from in between had been cut out and there was a small timeskip between when I woke from the third dream and entered the fourth. Suddenly we had halted and when I turned Omi was smiling! I could not tell if it was even what his actual smile looked like, since I have never seen him smile without his mask on. However, it was the most stunning thing I laid my eyes on, then it was over. I am so tired of these short cut scene like dreams but it feels too real when I am in them.

My mind was all over the place and I didn't even realize it was only 7:00 a.m, Saturday too, meaning we had a "morning practice" but it was more of a hang out since our season is pretty much done. I was excited, more than excited. Omi was coming today to the Kansai region and I might even be able to see him. I was just about to get out of bed to shower until my brother burst through the door with an unusual and concerning brightness to him.

"GOOD MORNING LESSER TWIN! I bought you your fox tail to wear to our 'practice' today!" Samu was grinning wide, his unusual brightness was blinding and he was WAY too excited to humiliate me today.

"NO I FORGOT UGH!" I fell back slamming my head against the pillow, pulling the one next to me onto my face and yelling. Suddenly I felt Samu jump on the bed next to me and looked to see him lying on his stomach cheekily grinning at me clearly ready to taunt me.

"Don't worry Tsumu, it is just for practice today. It isn't like your germy boyfriend will see you with it on." Then, with that I took the pillow that was on my face and hit Samu with it, initiating what was now a playful yet awfully aggressive pillow fight. He grabbed a third pillow and the one I had just thrown at him from the bed while I had the large pillow that was under my head with me. We kept swinging and swinging at each other running all around the house. Our parents, luckily, weren't home as they were out on a business trip for the next two weeks leaving Kita, our team captain, to check up on us occasionally. He lived nearby so unless we sent him a text saying we were out he'd visit whenever he leaves his house and bring us snacks or specific items if we asked. Eventually the pillow fight died down and we laid on the floor panting and declaring a draw, getting 47 hits on each other individually.

"We will continue this another day, but for now get ready for us to go soon, it's about 7:35 and we have to be there by 8:00." Samu declared before heading up to his own room to get his bag. About 5 minutes later, we are both heading out the door and walking to the gym. The weather is absolutely beautiful. Even if I was wearing a fox tail to the gym and walking beside Osamu, who would for sure be calling me the lesser twin the whole time at practice, it was like nothing could go wrong. I was walking on air.

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