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"This way, come on!"

Tommy held your hand as he guided you to the bench, his other hand holding the disc. You just giggled as you followed after Tommy, letting him be in the lead.

He seemed so happy and eager to let you listen to the disc, even if it's only one of them. You couldn't help but smile at this.

Once he reached the bench, he slowed his movements and released your hand, to which you then sat down on the left side of the bench.

Right next to you, was a jukebox.

"Okay, this disc is called 'Cat.'"

"Cat? Why Cat?"

"I- honestly don't know! But it's pretty chirpy and happy sounding, so I think you'll like it!"

Putting the disc inside the jukebox, Tommy sat down next to you. The music began playing, and the both of you simply stared out into the set of buildings and homes below.

Tommy was in fact right. The music was much more upbeat, although it started out soft. You could imagine this kind of music playing when things are just going good.

A group of people goofing off and laughing, someone taking the time to decorate or build something.. it was just a relaxing but also happy tune.

This made you smile, and made you speak after a good minute or two of silence.

"It's really nice.."

"You think so?"

"Yeah! It makes me think of moments or times where there isn't any concern for anything.. Where you could just relax, or have fun."

Tommy nodded at this, taking that kind of feeling into consideration. He looked back as you, listening.

"No wonder you think these discs are so valuable.. they're lovely to listen to."

Tommy nodded, looking off to the side.


(Just like you.)

Tommy only then realized what he said in his mind, and almost had a flustered panic attack. But, he kept his cool, and just hid away his blush.

You didn't notice a single thing, having your eyes closed as you listened to the music. Letting it flow through your mind to soothe your worries. Tommy saw this, and his blush grew even more.

You looked so peaceful from his angle.. With your eyes shut and with a gentle smile, your hair gently flowing with the tiny breeze, you looked gorgeous to him.

Suddenly however, his staring was interrupted by you asking a question.

"How rare are music discs, anyways?"

"I-I- Oh, yeah they're pretty rare. You can only find them in dungeons underground."

You turn to him, now with open eyes, and a baffled expression.

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