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Things were so peaceful with him there.

Despite his loud and extroverted nature, the joy Tommy brought you was comforting. You couldn't stress enough how many times you end up with him throughout every day.

Many times you both would just talk as you walk, roaming circles on the Prime Path. Blocking out the rest of the world, and simply walked and spoke. It was strange to others, but to you both, it was the perfect escape from the stress.

You two would talk and talk, topic after topic, and wear your heart on your sleeve. This would go on for hours, and everyone had the decency to leave you be. To not interrupt.

During one of these therapeutic walks, however, there was an accidental interruption.

Both of you stopped mid talk, when hearing Tommy's phone go off.

Tommy immediately stops walking, and you stood next to him as he pulled out his phone. Answering the call, he spoke to the other line.


You couldn't exactly hear the other voice, but Tommy's sudden change to concern had you taken back.

"Wh- Niki, what's wrong??"


"He did WHAT?!"

Tommy turned away from you as the call continued, and you began to grow worried.

"Henry too?! Oh nonono, surely not-.. Oohhhh I'll fucking kill him where he stands."

Tommy's sudden anger, and seeing a clenched fist at his side worried you extremely. What was going on?! Was it Dream again?!

"No, I'm with (Y/N) right now, on the Prime Path... Yeah, I'm close by there."

He looks out ahead from behind you both. The Community House was just out of view.

"Okay, see you then, Niki."

He ends the call, and turns to you. But, he stops when seeing your worried expression. Because of this, he softens and calms down just at the sight of your fear.

"We have to go see Niki. I promise nothing bad will happen there, okay? Just.. just for a discussion."

You could still see that Tommy was holding back his inner anger to whatever just happened, and it frightened you. Holding out his hand for you to take, you hold it as he guides you back to the Community House.

When the both of you got there, you could see Niki by the window, standing. She looked menacing.

Tommy let go of your hand to walk up to her.


She turns to the both of you, but she too softens upon seeing you there as well.

"Hello Tommy, and.. (Y/N).."

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