thirty three

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Muffled voices could be heard downstairs.

In a small, cozy bed, laid Tommy. His soft snores were peaceful, and the candle illuminating the room was gentle.

It was pouring outside, and faint sounds of thunder echoed across the skies. But eventually, the chatting downstairs awoke Tommy.

He slowly opened his eyes, and soon recognized his surroundings.

"Oh-.. Right, I'm not at my place.. This is.."

Technoblade's home.

It looked so warm and inviting, actually. It surprised Tommy a lot when he first walked inside last night.

Getting up, Tommy sat on the bed for a moment, taking a breath. He turned over to the small desk next to the bed.

The letter he kept was right there, underneath the desk lamp.

Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed the letter and put it in his pocket to hold onto. Then, he walked downstairs.

When Tommy reached the last step, it was still baffling to see Phil and Techno in front of him.

Phil turned to his youngest, waving with a happy smile.

"Good morning, Tommy! Or, well- good afternoon!"

"Afternoon? Wait what time is it??-"

Techno chimed in, smirking.

"About a quarter past 1."

"Did I really sleep in that much???"

Phil chuckled, walking over to pet Tommy's blonde hair.

"You probably needed it, mate! After, well.. ya know, all you've been through."

Remembering the days in the past made Tommy's head bow down in shame, and Phil didn't like seeing this. He cupped his son's cheek to raise his head back up.

"Don't worry now, Tommy! You're safe now, okay? I'm gonna protect you, with all the strength I have left in me."


"Of course really! It isn't very 'pog' of someone to mentally abuse a child, let alone my child. After what (Y/N) described, I'm.. furious at Dream."

Tommy saw his father's anger in his eyes. He really was pissed, huh? This made Tommy feel bad for him, and put a hand on his dad's shoulder.

"... Hey, listen, just-.. Thanks for saving me. I know if you guys didn't form that plan, I-.. would've been a goner."

Techno decided to chip in, having listened in for far too long. He walked over, and kneeled down next to Phil, facing Tommy. He looked serious.

"Answer me this, Tommy. What's most important to you right now? Answer truthfully."

Tommy was taken back by the question, but within mili-seconds later, he answered.

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