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The crowd was just outside.

Wilbur was standing on stage, chatting with the other parties as they began getting ready. Meanwhile, Tommy stood off stage, piling up his nerves.

Placing a hand over his heart, beads of sweat began to form. He needed to see the crowd one more time.

Turning the corner to see the crowd, he tried to scan for people he needed to see.

He saw Tubbo, who was smiling and chatting with-



Tommy's eyes widened, and all of the world's sound and motions stopped. Seeing you in a gorgeous *dress/tuxedo made his heart skip a beat. You looked stunning, and you even had your hair curled.

Your smile made all his nerves seep away in an instant, because he was reminded of the chance to see your shining smile..

When he won.

Imagining him, standing behind the microphone, and seeing you clap and cheer for him.. Imagining him stepping off stage, rushing over to you, and lifting you up as he hugged you.

He could maybe then tell you how he feels. In front of everyone, in front of his own nation.

Winning, would mean everything to him.

Tommy smiled upon all those thoughts, and soon enough got confident enough to return back to stage. Just in time as well, for Wilbur called him over once he spotted him.

"Tommy, there you are. We're about ready to start."

Tommy nods, walking over next to Wilbur. They both soon split to stand behind their own microphones, and Tommy watched the crowd as Wilbur announced.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to thank you for joining us tonight, for the L'manburg Presidental Election results!"

Everyone began clapping and cheering, and Tommy smiled upon seeing you and Tubbo specifically.

"We've had over 22,000 votes enter for the election, although some were duplicates for some parties. I've done my best to calculate the real votes, and make the final result fair."

Wilbur rolled out a small paper, which most likely contained the results.

"I will now read the percentage of votes to each party, starting with 4th place."

"In 4th place, with 9% of the vote.. with about 20,000 votes.. being Coconut2020."

Fundy and Niki, who were the two head runners for this party, cheered at their stats. They seemed happy that many people supported their side.

"Onto 3rd place.. with 16% of the votes.. comes Schlatt2020."

The man, Schlatt, who stood all by himself, just hummed at the stats. He had his arms crossed, and his little goat ears flicked.

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