twenty eight

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You couldn't find Tommy.

You only saw him this morning, when he introduced you to a new pal of his. Ranboo.

Ranboo seemed like a really sweet guy, even part enderman from what Tommy described. He said the two of them were gonna "mess around and shit" and catch up with you later.

4 hours have past since then, and.. you didn't spot them. Anywhere.

You tried calling Tommy. No answer.

You asked anyone you walked past. They didn't know where he was.

You asked Phil to scan L'manburg from the skies. He didn't find him, or Ranboo.

After hours had past, you had no sign of Tommy.

Your mind was racing, thinking too much. What happened to him? Is he okay? Did he get lost? Is he trapped? Dead? Where was he?!

Your panic only caused you to search more, exhausting yourself. Beads of sweat covered your face, as you paced the Prime Path.

You were trying to think of other places to look for. But you couldn't picture anywhere else new. You had no idea where Tommy could be, and that sent you into a frenzy.

It wasn't until you saw somebody up ahead on the path, that you hadn't talked to yet. Your eyes widen, seeing a possible hope.

You rush over to Dream.

He sees you, and stops in surprise at your panicked expression.


Once you caught up to him, you held your hands together urgently.

"Dream! Where's- Where's Tommy?! Do you know where he could be?! I haven't seen him since this morning and- And I'm terrified he got lost, or is hurt, or- or-"

Dream grabs your shoulders, looking actually concerned. Despite wearing that mask with a smile.

"Woah woah, kid, calm down a second! Breathe, okay? Breathe.."

You reluctantly started to breathe slowly, trying to relax. Dream didn't let go of you until he knew you were calm. Once you seemed calm enough, he slowly let go of your shoulders, but still kept his hands out.

"Okay, (Y/N), just keep calm.. What are you asking me?"

You keep taking in large and slow breaths, having your eyes shut. Then, you looked up at Dream, a pleading look in your eyes.

"I.. I don't know where Tommy is.. Do you know anything, Dream..?"

Dream's POV

I stopped at these words.

Of course I knew where Tommy was. I was just there. At the court hall.

I was angry. He burned down George's house.

He deserves punishment for what he did.

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