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real quick, wanted to say thank you to all of you for the support on this book. it's been a huge confidence and motivation boost, and i cannot thank y'all enough

trust me, where this book is headed.. it's only getting better from here :)

anyways, let's carry on! enjoy the new chapter !

"Schlatt seriously named it Manburg?"

Wilbur cringed at the name, whilst Tubbo nods.

"Yeah.. It doesn't have the same ring L'manburg does."

"It really doesn't. That prick has no idea on what good taste is."

Tommy scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Probably because he's American."

You almost spit out the sip of water you were taking at that comment, but you held yourself together as discussion continued.

Technoblade spoke up, his hands moving whilst he explained.

"So, Schlatt's thinking of this.. new event? What for?"

"He said just to simply start anew. A celebration, if you will."

Techno puts his fingers to his chin.

"Kinda sounds like he's trying to wipe away the memories of the past. Or most importantly, Wilbur and Tommy."

You turn to Tommy, deciding on resting your head on his shoulder. He responds by resting the side of his head on yours. You both held hands, needing the comfort of the other's presence.

"So, how do we go about this?"

"Well Tubbo, I think I have a plan."


Tommy's eyes widened at this, remembering everything about the confrontation with Wilbur.

The memories weren't pleasant.

"Mhm! Here's what I'm thinking, Tubbo."

Wilbur stands as he talks, pacing and walking around the round table, behind everyone's chairs.

"From my understanding, I expect Schlatt to make either you or (Y/N) give a speech, but most likely Tubbo. You'll be up on the podium where the election took place, and you'll give a speech."

Tubbo hummed and nodded along.

"I say that whilst Tubbo's giving a speech, he'll say a codeword and run with (Y/N). Why? There will be a couple pieces of TNT underneath the podium area, and when it blows up, it'll kill Schlatt and we'll be free!"

Tubbo crossed his arms, thinking on the idea. Techno snickered at the plan.

"Violence is always a good answer."

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