Chapter 8

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It was very quiet when you went into the living room, the only person that was smiling when you walked into the room was your stepfather and his smile was forced.

S/D-Ah Y/N, sorry to interrupt your sleep and wake you up so early in the morning, I promise you after this you can sleep again.

Y/N-It's not a problem, is there anything wrong mum and dad? Is the wedding off?

Y/M- No sweetie, everything is fine, i don't know what the problem is sweetheart, your father has just asked me to join a meeting with him, i'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

S/D- Y/N, get yourself a drink, you look exhausted.

Y/N- Sure, i'm going to be a few minutes though.

S/D- That's fine.

You went out and got yourself a drink from the kitchen, mysteriously, all the maids and butlers did not help you, in fact they looked really nervous, so you went up to one of them.

Y/N- Is everything alright miss?

Maid- No miss, this is the second time he told us not to work today, we rarely have time off and even if we do it's supposed to be for one day.

Y/N- Oh, i don't think it's anything to worry about, so don't panic. I'll see what's going on right now.

You went back into the meeting with your drink. As you sat down next to your mum, you could feel your stepdad's eye twitch with anger but he kept his cool.

S/D- Y/N, don't stress out too much, but i would like to ask you a few questions.

Y/N- Okay...

S/D- Firstly, how did you get your drink? Did one of the maids help you?

Y/N- No, i got the drink from the kitchen by myself.

S/D- I see and why are you tired? It's 11 am.

Y/N- It is? Sorry, i went to bed late last night, i didn't get much sleep.

BTS started to shift uncomfortably in their seats when their dad glared in their direction, he then turned back to me and smiled.

S/D- It's okay, you can go back to sleep after this, make sure to be ready to leave the house at 7.

You sat down next to your mum as one of the maids handed him the remote to the big screen. You watched with curiosity as he took the remote and started showing you on the screen.

S/D- Tell me sons, who cleaned the house last night? You didn't have any maids nor assistants last night and the only people who were in the house that night were you.

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence.

S/D- Let's play this then shall we, there are actually hidden cameras which i have not told you about.

The screen started to play and your mum gasped in horror when she saw Jimin come up to you and hurt you whilst BTS's father just glared at his sons with outrage. He then pressed forward and it shows that before you started cleaning, BTS took the camera's down and left before you came in and started to clean the whole house. Your stepdad stopped playing the video and looked at his you.

S/D- Y/N, do you know why the maids and butlers didn't assist you yesterday or today?

Y/N- I thought it was their day off?

S/D- It was their day off, (he glared at his sons) i asked them to take a break because my sons were supposed to clean the house, not you.

Y/M- Are you telling me that-

S/D- Yes honey, and i apologies on their behalf to the both of you. Y/N you may go back to bed now.

Y/M- Wait, before you leave Y/N, who were those girls next to BTS?

Jimin (rose up out of his seat)- Don't you dare tell her!

S/D- SIT DOWN! (he banged his fists at the table)



Taehyung rose from the table.


BTS's dad kicked the table really hard,

S/D-(darkly) Everyone leave me and the boys alone, don't come back unless i call you.

You grabbed your mum and left as all the maids and butlers fled the meeting, you went to your room and fell asleep soon after. At 4pm you woke up feeling really hungry realised you haven't eaten all day, it was also very quiet in the house, but you knew someone was in the house as you could smell some food from the kitchen, so you decided to go downstairs, when you went into the kitchen you saw the hyung line sitting down eating food, they turned towards you when they heard your footsteps.

Jin- You feeling any better?

Y/N- (coldly) Yeah, thanks.

You took some food from the kitchen and went to the dance studio to practice...


J-Hope POV

This is our second mistake we have made this week, Dad is not pleased with us, you might even say that he wouldn't be satisfied even with our death, he is that angry. First punishment we received was handling a gang by our self without assistance and with only guns. Our second punishment was to clean the house by our self without Y/N's or anyone else's assistance, since we all gave our consent and used her, Dad is going to give us our final warning before dealing with us permanently. Weirdest thing is, I do regret trying to harm her and i do regret not defending her but at the same time i don't regret it, she's not our real sister nor yet is she our stepsister.

You- Jin hyung?

Jin hyung- Yes hoseok?

You- Do you feel weird around Y/N? Like almost regret?

Jin hyung- Yes,but that can't be helped, i don't think her or her mother will be around for much longer.

Yoongi hyung- I disagree hyung, (all eyes turned to him) it looks like they're going to be part of our family permanently. I checked their backgrounds, Y/N is an ordinary girl nothing special but our father has killed many men who even look at her mum. He also bought ice cream shop, and the mall that we thought was ours? Is actually co- owned between Y/N and her mum.

Namjoon- So that means she's part of our family for good then, no wonder dad was dead serious about protecting her.

You- Well hyungs, this makes matters worse as we tried to harm our stepsister multiple times, threatened her and used her.

Jin hyung- Well let's just protect her then starting from right now.

Yoongi hyung- End of discussion then, no more talking now, i want to sleep.

Jin hyung, Namjoon and i shook our heads.

Hyung line (apart from Yoongi)- Typical...

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