Chapter 15

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Suga dragged you out of the classroom and into the parking lot where BTS were waiting for you.

Jin- What took you so long?

Suga- It doesn't matter, she's here now, let's just go and get this meeting over and done with.

Y/N- What is going on?

RM- Just get in the car Y/N, i don't have a lot of strength today.

Jungkook grabbed you and pushed you onto a car seat and reached for the seatbelt. You immediately grabbed for the seatbelt and pushed it into it's socket.

Y/N- I can do it myself thankyou very much.

Jin- Y/N, are we a chingu (is that how you spell it?) to you?

Y/N-... Not at all why?

Jin- So why aren't you calling us oppa.

Y/N-... Mianhe (is that how you spell it? part 2) oppas.

Taehyung- Is there something you're not telling us?

Y/N- Yes but it's nothing serious, so you don't need to worry about it.

Suga-Can you all shut up now? I am trying to sleep.

Y/N- Mianhe Suga oppa... Grandpa...

Bts except for Suga laughed quietly.


Jin- Don't think much about it Suga and just sleep.

Suga- You're lucky this time round Y/N.

Y/N- Can I have my phone oppas?

Hobi- You shouldn't really be having it but we can't go against Dad's commands so here.

Hobi passed you your phone and straight away you noticed something odd. You narrowed your eyebrows and glanced at Suga in suspicion.


Y/N- Huh?

Suga-You looked at me in suspicion what's the matter?

Y/N- Did you try to hack into my phone oppa?

The car suddenly stopped and all eyes were on you.

Suga-Where did you get that idea from?

Y/N- When Jin was on the phone to me yesterday and yelled to you to track me, I connected the dots.

Jungkook-(darkly) Well stop connecting the dots because you don't want to see what happens.

Y/N- Yes oppa.

Jin- We are here, everyone get out of the car now.

You could still feel the tension and the piercing gazes from all of your stepbrother but you pretended not to care and played on your phone for a bit whilst waiting for everyone to get out of the car.

RM- Y/N, we are ready to go in now, so stop going on the phone.

You all went into the empty Cafe in silence and sat down where a waiter was waiting for you.

Waiter-Greetings sirs and ma'am, sir has given me a message to you.

Jimin-What does the old fool want now?

Waiter- He said sir, that starting from school hours tommorow, for a week you will be saying only yes to Y/N.


Jimin-No way am I doing this, tell that stupid idiot that I refuse to do it.

Jimin got up and was about to leave when security came and dragged him back to his seat and forced him to sit, he couldn't stop glaring at you.

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