Chapter 16

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Jimin POV

Taehyung and I walked into the VIP room, we haven't talked for about a week since he accepted Y/N to be our stepsister.

Taehyung - What's up? Make it quick.

You-What's up with me? What's up with you, you hated Y/N at first and now you have gone all crazy and now you like her and accept her. What's wrong with you man?

Taehyung - What do you mean what's wrong with me? Is it wrong to like Y/N?

You-Give me one good explanation to accept her.

Taehyung- You basically have had the same background...

I punched Taehyung in the face and he toppled over onto the floor.

You- Don't you dare talk about my past, you know how I hate talking about it.

Taehyung-Yet you wanted us to accept you as family, didn't want any of us to hate you and would do anything at all cost.


Taehyung-Y/N wants the same also, why don't you just give it to her.

Jimin-I though you get it, you just don't get it do you, stay away from me man.


You walked away from Taehyung slamming the door behind you. You sat down back at the cafeteria and after a long time, thought about the past.

In the past
There were sounds of vases being broken, harsh slaps and faint crying sounds.

Jimin-Appa I am sorry, please I will do the dishes again just please don't hit me.

Jimin's dad was sitting on the sofa, both he and the sofa were soaked in alcohol. In the fireplace was burning photographs of Jimin and his happy parents, his mother's clothes and the wedding ring.

Jimin's dad-So now your answering back huh? You're just like your mother useless and a traitor, how dare you after I raised you for all this time. Get out of my sight right now!

Jimin-Yes Appa

Jimin ran to his bedroom which was a filthy basement filled with cobwebs. There was dust everywhere and a ragged mattress with worn out blanket on top of it. The pillows were ripped apart because of his father's many tantrums. The only clothes that he wore was the ragged and blood stained clothes he was wearing now.  He didn't care though as his tears could clean the whole basement if he tried. Jimin flopped on his bed and cried himself to sleep. Later on that night Jimin woke up to a shooting sound, he went to unlock the doors to discover they had been locked... Again. Jimin desperately banged on the door.

Jimin-Appa, Appa, please let me out!

The door opened and jimin ran straight to the living room to find his lifeless father on the floor. Jimin ran to him and violently shook him.

Jimin- Appa, please wake up Appa, please, I can't lose you too.

Jimin didn't notice the man who was standing behind him, the man's eyes softened as he realised how much pain this boy is going through.

??? - Come with me, I will look after you from now on.

Jimin-(sniff) Okay, just please don't hurt me Mr, I don't know what your intentions are but I didn't do anything wrong

??? - It's okay, I won't hurt you, just call me Dad.

Jimin-Okay dad

The man and Jimin left the house forever, the house and his entire miserable existence would be engulfed in flames. As he grew older older he grew colder and had learnt the ways of his new father and family. Although he was living a dark life, he was living the best life he could ever have.

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