Chapter 18

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Yoongi POV

We were all sitting in the dining room eating the food that Jin hyung made, we always eat the food Hyung makes unless he is busy or tired, then the maids or I will cook. Earlier Y/N's bodyguard informed us that there was someone taking pictures of Y/N in the ladies store. We don't know anything other than the same person was constantly following her. Y/N hasn't said anything about the incident though.

Jin Hyung- Y/N

Y/N- Yeah?

Jin Hyung- Did anything happen today?

Y/N- Everyone was breathing, cars were moving and-

Jin Hyung- Y/N, we're being serious...

Y/N- Why are you asking me? You hired a bodyguard who kept his eyes on me and my surroundings, ask him.

Me- We did, but we want your opinion on what happened today.

Y/N finished her food and scoffed at us, we returned it with a worried but angered face.

Y/N- Two things, one, you don't know, take or give opinions, second of all is this a therapy session that i am being forced to attend?

Me- Y/N we heard about the incident in the ladies shop.

Y/N- Heard or wereinformed?

Me- It doesn't matter!

Y/N- Over to you IQ 148.

RM- Heard is being told something indirectly, informed is being told something directly.

J-Hope- Really RM?, it's not the right time!

Y/N ignored J-Hope

Y/N- So? Heard or informed?

J-Hope- Fine, we were informed, we were told that someone was taking photos of you.

Y/N- If you know, why did you ask me?

Taehyung- Y/N, stop changing the subject, do you know how serious this is?

Y/N- No not really, it might not be that bad.


Y/N- (Calmly) IQ 148?

RM- Well, it could be three scenarios, one the person may have a memory loss and needs to take photos or videos to remember things, secondly, it may be that someone recognized her and was taking photos and sending it to her friends for confirmation, or thirdly-

Jungkook- She has a stalker...

RM- Exactly.

Jin Hyung- Well Judging from what we heard it is a stalker.

Y/N- I don't think so, it could just be someone following me because they recognize me from somewhere-

Me- Ya ya ya, enough of the theories, just in case it is a stalker, we should hire a multiple bodyguards for you to follow you everywhere.

Y/N- Even in the toilets?


Y/N- NO!

RM- Y/N remember the rules...

Y/N- You are abusing the rules that you placed, there is no way i am going to have bodyguards who follow me into the toilet and that's that!

Y/N left the room and stormed her way up the stairs, our eyes followed the sounds of feet and the slams of her bedroom door, we all sighed and turned to one another.

Jimin- Hyungs?

RM, J-Hope, Me, Jin Hyung- Yeah?

Jimin- What gender would the bodyguard be?

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