Chapter 3

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Hailey's POV

Today was my off day, therefore now I'm heading to the hospital to visit my mother. My mum was diagnosed with a second-stage liver cancer 6 months after my dad left us. She had worked 3 different part time jobs in one day because she had to support the family and also the expense of everything. Getting only 3 hours of sleep everyday and she didn't even get to have proper meals which eventually led to where she is today. My heart breaks every time I see her lying on the hospital bed, looking so fragile and weak, as though she might leave me any time soon. 

There were many times which made me wanted to look for my dad but come to think of it, he wouldn't have left us in the first place if he had truly wanted us so I gave up on the thought of looking for him because we don't need him back in our lives again. 

Before stepping into the ward, I made sure to clean any stray tears on my face and in my eyes such that my mum wouldn't notice that I was crying. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door only to see an empty bed. I started wandering around the room, looking for my mum. 

"Mum? Where are you? Mum?" I called out but there was no response. 

The sound of wheelchair being pushed into the room made me turn my head and I saw a nurse pushing my mum back into the room.

"Hi there, Miss Baxter. I've brought your mother out for a check up and Dr Mitchell would like to speak to you for a moment." the nurse gave me a small smile before helping my mum up the bed. I turned to my mum and told her that I would be back soon before stepping out of the ward to meet Dr Mitchell. 

Knock knock

"Come in, please." a deep voice came from the inside. Dr Mitchell had been my mum's doctor for at least 3 years, he was a friendly and humble doctor who always made sure that his patients are not in pain and are comfortable during their stay at the hospital. I have always looked up to him and respected him like a father-like figure which I have never had. 

I opened the door and he pointed to the chair, telling me to take a seat. I nodded and gave him a small smile before listening to what he had to say. 

"Hailey, I have just completed the check up for your mother and the cancer cells in her liver have spread to her pancreas." Before he could even continue, I felt my eyes pricking with tears that were threatening to fall out any moment. 

"But the good news is that we can get her to take on another type of chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer cells which could prevent them from spreading. However, what I'm concern right now is that the chemotherapy is pretty costly and I'm afraid...." the tiniest hope in me had crushed when I heard this. But for my mother, I could work even harder in order to get the money for her treatment. 

I took in a deep breath before telling Dr Mitchell, "I'll manage the cost so please, Dr Mitchell, please save my mother at all cost. I will take on more jobs so that I will be able to pay for the treatment so please make sure that my mother gets the best treatment to cure her. Please." 

Dr Mitchell looked at me through his thick glasses, pity was clearly seen in his eyes and all he could offer was a sad smile before nodding at me. I thanked him before leaving the room. Upon leaving the room, all the emotions that were bottled up in my heart all exploded at one go. Why did everything turn out to be like this? 

Will everything turn out to be better? 

End of chapter 3!!! I felt like crying when I wrote this chapter because she didn't have anyone to lean on when she's facing hardships and she might even end up losing her mother. It's been about 4 days since I have published this book and there's only about 2 readers :(( 

Hope this book will attract more readers <3 

I don't really have a question to ask today so maybe next chapter teehee 

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