Chapter 27

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Xavier's POV

As much as I didn't want to admit that I was jealous, I was indeed jealous. In addition, I was even possessive. I disliked the fact that how Caleb tried to get Hailey's number and even sat right beside her after dinner. 

When Hailey pointed out the fact that I was jealous during the dinner, I couldn't deny. I mean I was falling hard so of course to me Caleb would be a potential threat but come to think of it, he would not be Hailey's cup of tea. 

Anyways, back to reality, I finally managed to persuade her to move into my room tonight. At first she wanted to shower in her room before coming over but I told her to shower in my room since it would soon be called 'our' room and I wanted her to be comfortable. 

"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." I didn't want to make her feel too pressured because I had already asked her to move into my room. She looked confused for a second before she questioned me, "Then what's the point of asking me to move into your room if we're going to sleep separately? Sleep on the bed with me, Xavier." 

"Are you sure? Because if you're uncomfortable with me on the bed any moment you can just ask me to get off the bed, okay?" She nodded at me, giving me a smile before I place my pillow back on the bed. "Then, choose a side that you prefer since I can sleep on either one of them." 

She picked the right side, so I took the left one. I turned off the lights in the room and I left a bit of a gap such that she wouldn't feel uneasy about it. After a while, I could feel that she was tossing around. I turned to her and whispered, "Can I hug you to sleep? I promise it's just a hug and nothing more than that." With her in my arms, we finally drifted off to sleep.

Next morning....

I woke up with her in my arms, and I could smell the faint lavender shampoo on her hair. It's been a while since I've managed to have such a nice sleep because it was basically mission impossible with all the pending work piling up on my desk but all I want to do now is to cuddle with her. 

Don't get me wrong but I'm not someone who would do cuddles in the morning but I would make an exception for Hailey. I climbed off the bed slowly, worried that I might wake her up. Then I headed straight to the bathroom to wash up before heading down to the kitchen. Hailey had always been the one to cook breakfast so today I shall cook for her. 

Well, I've tried my best to make the breakfast and not to burn down the kitchen at the same time. I managed to make some slightly burnt pancakes and a few pieces of ham and an egg. I would say it looks pretty good if only the pancakes weren't burnt. 

"Is there a fire somewhere in the house? Why do I smell something burnt?" Hailey walked out of the room, looking confused and worried. But once she saw the plates on the table, she scratched her head and gave me a sheepish smile before muttering, "Whoops. Smells great actually." 

"The looks of the dish is not important, but the taste. So just give it a try." I tried to convince her but she just gave me the are-you-serious face. She took a bite and commented, "Well, I guess you're right. It tastes good." 

"Then I shall cook frequently so that I can improve my cooking skills." she widened her eyes before she shook her head and said, "I'll be fine cooking for both of us, I mean you have a company to manage you know. I'll do the cooking instead and you should just in charge of the eating." she smirked at me before continued eating my 'masterpiece'. 

Since Hailey had an off day today, I decided to take a leave from work too such that we can spend time together but she doesn't know yet. Upon seeing that she had finished eating, I said," Go get dressed now, we're going out later." she looked confused but didn't ask much.

She got ready in about 15 minutes so we set off at about 10am in the morning. I drove all the way to an amusement park because she mentioned once that she had never been to one when she was young. So I decided to make today a special day for her and of course our official first date. 

She looked shocked and amazed when we first arrived and she just turned to me and gave me a hug while exclaiming like a 5 year old who saw her favourite candy, "Oh my gosh Xavier, you brought me to an amusement park. Thank you." I could even see the excitement in her eyes so i couldn't imagine how happy she was right now. 

Something I love so much about Hailey is that she is easily satisfied, even with the smallest and simplest thing. Not that I'm saying that I can easily put her off with anything, just saying that she isn't like those women whom I've come into contact with, who are only eyeing at my money which can provide them with all those branded goods they want. 

"Xavier, I want to start off with the roller coaster first." she pointed to a queue which was meant for the roller coaster ride. Uh oh, I'm really scared of heights but since she looked so exhilarated, let's just deal with that later on the ride. I sincerely hope she doesn't have to call for an ambulance after the ride ends.

End of chapter 27!!! sorry for not being able to update for these dew days because I have been going out quite a lot lately and haven't found the time to write :((( 

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