Chapter 7

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Xavier's POV

I got to the office around 7.30am this morning and right now I am on my way to the cafe where Hailey works at. To be honest, I'm kind of nervous and worried right now because I'm afraid the she might not agree to the sudden proposal and moreover, we didn't start off well but instead with a punch to my face. Ugh, whatever I will give it a shot nevertheless because not only I'm helping myself, but also dad's company.

With that in mind, I took my coat and headed towards the cafe. Upon reaching the cafe, the aroma of coffee and toast hit me and I was hungry again even though I ate breakfast. Excuse me because I'm a coffee fanatic and a big eater. I mean who can say no to tasty food? Definitely not me :))

I looked around the cafe, and quickly spotted Hailey who was cleaning a table at a corner of the cafe. I walked up to her, slightly tapped her shoulders which caused her to jump slightly at it. Whoops. 

She turned around with almost a glare and saw me standing in front of her awkwardly, which caused her to quirk up her eyebrows, as though asking why I was standing in front of her. Honestly, I'm kind of curious and scared of what her reactions will be. Because she kind of scares me a little previously due to her punch which caused my jaw to be in pain for at least 2 days I swear she's too strong for a woman. So I took a deep breath before asking her, "I would like to talk to you about something so I was wondering if you could take about 5 minutes for us to talk?" 

She looked quite shocked but quickly masked it up with a questionable expression before muttering an okay. 

Hailey's POV

I was rather shocked when Mr Grumpy Face came to the cafe specially just to have a talk with me. Just what is he going to talk about, I wonder. After agreeing to have a talk with him, I signalled to Cassidy that I was going to take a 5 minutes break and she gave me back  an okay hand sign. We sat at a corner of the cafe before he started talking. 

"Miss Baxter, what I'm about to ask you right now is very important and I do hope that you will think carefully before answering them." I gave a slight nod at what he was saying but it kind of creeped me out already. 

"Let's make a deal." He shot me a glance. My eyes shot back up to him, fidgeting with my fingers.

"What deal? If it involves selling my body then I won't do it." I scoffed at him while he just stared at me as if I said the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"Judging from your body, you aren't even my type." he muttered under his breath while I glared hard at him. If glares could kill, he would be ten feet under the ground now. 

"Would you like to marry me?" I paused for a moment before my eyes widened in shock and my mouth dropped open that even a dinosaur could enter. 

"Wait. This is too much for me to be taking in right now. I mean you don't seem like the fall in love at first sight type of guy so I'm kind of shocked right now. We don't even know each other well and we're already going to get married or something? Oh my gosh." I started blabbering more and more nonsense until he held up his hand to stop me. 

"Can you listen to me first before writing a romance novel in your little brain right now? And just for your information, I am not the fall in love at first sight type of guy so no worries that I will like you." I almost ran to the kitchen to get a chopper at his words. How long does it take for a person to die of anger? Answer: a split second. 

"I came up with this proposal because there's this shareholder in my dad's company who wanted to withdraw his investments from the company but he would not do so unless I agree to marry his daughter who is infamous for all her one night stands and drunk driving and whatever scandals the news have she will always be inside. And because of this, my parents have not been resting well and my dad had a high blood pressure these days." he sighed as he finished his sentence. My ears shot up when I heard that Mr Anderson was feeling worse upon hearing the news. I mean after all his company was at risk so he would of course be worried. 

After pondering for a while, I asked him, "So to put it simply, if I accept your proposal it will be more of like a fake marriage or rather a marriage only in papers because you need to save the company and yourself from that arranged marriage with that business partner?" instead of a question, it sounded more of like a statement. 

"To add on, you will be paid for the marriage I mean after all you are helping us and you deserve it. Also, we will talk more about it if you agree to the proposal. So do you have any questions?" he was trying to observe my expressions but I just put on a blank face. 

"Um.. would you like to give me some time to consider this? Because I need to absorb everything first." he nodded reluctantly before adding on, "I can only give you 2 days time because that bastard might do something crazier before that so I do hope that you would consider it properly. If there's nothing else, I shall take my leave now." before he left, he put his name card on the coffee table.

I muttered an okay before we both stood up and he left the cafe while I went back to cleaning the tables in the cafe. Cassidy came out from the changing room and quickly rushed to me before pestering me about what me and Mr Grumpy Face had talked about. 

End of chapter 7!!! just saying in advance, I am considering to skip the part where they prepare for their 'wedding' and the part during their 'wedding' because I find that pretty long and boring to write about so I shall leave it up to y'all to imagine the scenes and also, at first I wanted to include a cast list where I would show you guys who will be acting as the characters but I don't want to spoil the characters that you guys already have in mind so yeah :))) 

What is your favourite song?

Well, I have a lot but I shall name the one that I'm listening to right now while writing the story which is 22 by Taylor Swift . 

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