Chapter 32

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Hailey's POV

It's been a year since we got married and we won't ever forget to say at least a hundred times of 'I love you' to each other. 

Xavier had reminded me of our dinner date that we are having tonight and I am standing right in front of my wardrobe, frustrated about not having anything to wear. I swear this is every girl's problem, facing a closet filled with clothes yet I could still claim that I have nothing to wear, geez. I just couldn't pick out a matching fit. 

After fussing around for about 45 minutes, I finally found a piece of dress that was to my liking. It was a piece off shoulder blue dress. (sorry because I'm really bad at describing dresses as I don't wear them XD)

Xavier had sent a car to pick me up at around 7pm, and I arrived at a fancy looking restaurant within about 30 minutes. Wow, this restaurant looked as if it could cost someone at least a few thousands even if you just order a cup of juice. But it's Xavier here, he's just so rich to a point that he might even use money to wipe his butt. 

There was a waiter standing outside the restaurant, guiding me up the stairs which I realised that the floor was a pitch black. What in the world? Did this high end restaurant just experience a black out?

Suddenly the lights came on and I saw almost everyone I know standing right before me. Xavier's parents, Cassidy, Caleb and some of Xavier's close friends. Then, my eyes found Xavier kneeling on the ground. My eyes widened, what was he doing on the ground?

I walked towards him, while he took out a small blue box and opened it. It contained a pair of rings which I've noticed that they have the letters 'H&X' engraved on the rings. He started talking, "Hailey, today marks the one year anniversary since our marriage. I know for a fact that we didn't marry out of love in the first place but through this marriage, we managed to fall in love. I won't even lie to say that now you have me wrapped around your fingers and the fact that I am so whipped. But I love it so much, the relationship that we are having now. It's something that I've never experience before, and God knows how scared I was during the period when you fell into a coma. I thought I would never have the chance to hold you, kiss you, tell you that I love you and grow old with you. But we have managed to walk through all the obstacles and came to where we are today, so right now, I would like to ask you, would you like to grow old with me for the rest of your life?" 

By the end of his speech, I was flooded in tears. I had no idea that he had arranged all of these and the fact to hear that he loves me was what made me happy the most. Even though I know that he loves me, to hear that out of him made me even happier. I nodded at his question, before saying, "Yes, of course I would love to grow old with you. Gosh, you don't know how much I love you." I bent down and kissed him while our loved ones were cheering us on. 

Suddenly remembering something, I pulled away from him and left him confused. I took out a small box from my bag and showed him, it was a pair of rings which I have got them custom made specially for the both of us, to celebrate the one year anniversary. But little did I know that he had got that too. As if on cue, everyone in the room burst out laughing while Xavier and I only looked at each other and laughed too. 

"Well, I guess I could alternate between these two every week. Or if not I could wear both rings on my ring finger." I nodded my head and agreed, "Great idea, so that both rings will not be wasted." 

For the rest of the night, we spent with our family and friends before we ended the night with some light chats and we went on our separate ways. Upon reaching home with Xavier, he suddenly grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I was quite taken aback for a second but responded back anyways. 

I wrapped my legs around him while he carried me into our room and we somehow ended up on the bed after a while. We broke apart from the kiss to take a breath while Xavier continued staring at me with so much love in his eyes that I thought I could melt in his stare. 

"I really want to see a mini version of you running around the house, I can't wait for that day to come." he whispered huskily into my ears. I smirked at him while giving him the seductive look, "Then do it, because I wanna see a mini version of you too." 

With that, we spent the night passionately in each other's company. Forgetting all our troubles, with only each other in our eyes and a future that was about to be written soon. 

End of chapter 32!! this book is coming to an end soon! I will be writing an epilogue soon because I'm starting school the week after next :((

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