Chapter 9

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Xavier's POV

It's been a week after the registration of our marriage and of course, the wedding itself. My parents were so happy throughout the wedding that for a moment I thought I was really going to start my own family but I snapped back to reality almost immediately. Although the marriage was not out of love, but I should still consider somewhat my wife in name and treat her nicely since she's pretty nice to me. After all, I'm not an ungrateful brat. 

My parents kept on rushing Hailey to move in with me since we are now married and it won't be good for either of us if news gets out that we are not living together after getting married. Today is the day that she was supposed to move in with me since she said that she had to pack her stuff but she was not free due to all her part time jobs. Right, something that puzzled me was that she wanted to borrow 3 million dollars from me right after the marriage. Although I was curious, I didn't question her much and moreover, it was her reward for agreeing to the contract even though she insisted on paying me back when she got the money. 

To be honest, there were lots of things that I don't know about her. But come to think of it, this marriage is bound to end sooner or later so there's no need for me to know much. 


My phone's notification bell rang, and it was from Hailey. She wrote,"Hi there, this is Hailey. I requested for a half day off and I'm moving my stuff to your house right now. Would you like to send me your passcode for the door?" what? I thought I told her that I would pick her up from her house and bring her there but oh wells. I typed onto the keyboard, "Sure, the passcode is 190816. Call me if you need any help. Also, your bedroom is located on the second floor, first room towards the left." I locked my phone after typing and resumed working. 

It was soon 9pm after working non-stop and I could finally call it a day and go home. I took my coat off the hanger and headed towards the parking lot. As I opened the door after punching in the numbers for the passcode, the house was filled with aroma of food. Realisation hit me hard that I just remembered that Hailey had moved into the house as of today. She didn't notice my presence and was humming and swaying to the music that was playing on her phone, while she was cooking on the stove. I chuckled to myself when I saw her, never will I imagine that she had such a side. 

I coughed slightly to show her that I was in the house and she turned around so fast that I bet she went dizzy from that. She blushed a little before speaking up, "Sorry, I didn't realise that you came home. I saw that there was nothing in the fridge so I went grocery shopping and cooked some dishes. I'm not sure what type of dishes you like so I cooked a few for you to choose from." I scanned through the dining table and saw a variety of food, from pasta to fish and chips to shepherds pie, I almost drooled in front of her. Yet, I pretended to act cool in front of her and replied, "That's good enough, I'm not a picky eater so you can cook whatever you like." 

With that, I speed walked back to my room and took a really quick shower because I was so hungry upon seeing all the delicious food and I just want to eat them right away. Gosh, just how well can she cook that all the food looked so appealing?

I managed to get out of the shower within 10 minutes, got dressed in some casual home clothes and headed straight to the kitchen. She was still busy placing some stuff onto plates and noticed that I was standing around the table and gestured me to sit down first. She sat down soon after and said, "Have a try, see if you will like these." I started placing food onto my plate and had a bite of everything. All the food she cooked tastes so good that I just wanted to sweep everything down into my stomach at one go. 

After about 20 minutes, we finished eating dinner and she stood up and headed to the refrigerator. She served shaved ice looking thing in a small bowl and told me, "This is called bingsoo, I supposed you have not tried anything like this so I tried making it today. Have a bite." I took a scoop and put it in my mouth, it tastes pretty good but since I'm not a fan of cold desserts but this was the first time I enjoyed eating cold stuff. 

After we ate finish, I offered to wash the dishes since I ate the most and also that she was the one who cooked so it is only reasonable that I wash the dishes. However, she rejected my offer and told me to wait for her in the living room because she had something to tell me. I was waiting for her on the sofa until she came to the living room and sat opposite me. 

"Uh, this is my salary for this month and I can only pay you this much for now. As for the rest, I will pay you once I get my monthly salary so please give me some time before I can repay you everything." I was rather shocked that she handed me almost her whole salary for the month that I went speechless for at least 2 minutes before I began, "Hailey, I told you that you don't need to repay me the money because you deserved it so just keep this. And I'm not taking a no as your answer and this is final." 

"But... 3 million isn't a small sum of money." she was insisting that she had to pay me but I refused over and over again. Then, I thought of a brilliant idea, "How about this? Since you want to repay me so much, why don't you cook dinner for us every night? I mean because I'm always home late and I don't have time to order take out because all the stores would have closed by then. How does that sound?" 

She gave a light frown, still pondering if she should accept the offer. Then she spoke up, "Are you sure this is a good idea? Because I'm sure you're at the losing end. But I'm fine with cooking dinner for you every night, thank you once again." 

I nodded at her words before heading back to my room. 

End of chapter 9!!! I guess it's a pretty long chapter because I've skipped writing about their wedding part and right into the life after their marriage :))) there is currently still 19 views for the book and I hope it will soon reach about 25 maybe?? thank you for reading it!!

just wondering, do you guys have oily scalp? because I do!!! and it's really bothering me a lot because I have to bathe before I get out of house if not my hair gets really oily by the end of the day and I would probably be too ashamed to look at people LOL XD

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