Chapter 22

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Hailey's POV

I woke up with a splitting headache this morning and found myself lying on the bed. How did I even get to the bed? I remembered clearly that I was in the toilet then.... nothing else.

A soft knock came on the door and I lifted my head to see who was it and Xavier was at the door carrying at tray of food.

"How are you feeling right now? I've cooked some porridge and take your medicine after this." he looked really concerned about me which made me feel a tug at my heart. I muttered a small thanks because I'm really not in the mood for a talk after remembering what happened to my mother.

I had only took about 3 spoonfuls of the porridge before I set my spoon back onto the tray. Xavier picked it back up and told me in a stern but soft voice, "You've to eat more, Hailey. You haven't had any food for almost 2 days and you fainted last morning. I'll give you 2 options, either eat it yourself or I'll feed you."

I looked at him with the are-you-serious face before picking back my spoon and ate a few more mouthful again. At some point in time, he just took over the spoon and started feeding me. Finally, the bowl of porridge was done.

He then passed me a glass of water and some green looking pills. Not one, but 2 pills. And they were not small, like medium sized. I hated taking medicine because I can never swallow them without chucking down lots of water to flush them down.

I slowly picked up one of them and grimaced at it. Xavier chuckled at my action and asked, "I didn't know you didn't like taking pills and now you looked as if you're taking some sort of poison." I glared at him for a few moment before I put it in my mouth and gulped down half a glass of water before popping the other pill into my mouth and drank the remaining glass of water. I felt so bloated after drinking a bowl of porridge and a full glass of water, just hope I won't pee on my bed tonight. 

Xavier set the tray down onto the table, before he sat on my bed and turned to me, "Hailey, we have to settle your mother's funeral. I mean I can settle it if you are still not feeling well. I just want to make sure that you're fine." I felt the words were stuck in my throat, as much as I didn't want to accept the fact that my mother was gone, I had to accept it sooner or later. 

"I'm fine, I will go to the hospital to discuss about her funeral. Thank you for the past few days, Xavier." I tried to muster a small smile, but I guess I ended up looking like an idiot. All of a sudden, his phone started ringing and he looked at it with a frown but he picked up anyways. 

"Sabrina, what do you want?" the warmth I had felt just a millisecond ago was gone just with one call and I was reminded of their kiss at the restaurant the other day. Gosh, my life is filled with adventures. How wonderful. 

"No, I won't go. ...... Fine, let's meet at that cafe but only for a short while." he hung up the call looking all frustrated and annoyed. Strange, shouldn't he be glowing up in happiness since his ex love or ex girlfriend is back now? He then turned to me, "Sorry Hailey, I won't be able to go to the hospital with you right now but I will meet you there." 

"No, it's ok. I will manage, you don't have to come. I will go to work once I'm done." I didn't want to feel dependent on him and in the end, I will still have to face everything by myself. His face fell slightly when he heard that I was going back to work.

"Work? Why not just take a few days off? You've not even fully recovered and you still want to go to work?" we argued on this topic for quite a while when he realised that I was not going to back out on it so he gave in with a loud sigh. 

"But Hailey, please, use the card for the funeral. Stop using your own money, this time I won't give in no matter how much you insist." his voice was laced with determination, as if to warn me that I cannot reject this time round. I was so tired with all the arguments that I just huffed out an okay before he gave me a grin which made my dumb heart skipped a beat again, fuck me.

He sent me to the hospital in his car and for a moment, I really wanted to tell him to stay with me and not to meet that woman. I hated her guts at first sight, because of her bitchy vibes that she was giving me during our first meeting. Although she looked prim and proper on the outside, I bet my head she isn't like that on the inside. And something that I was dying to ask Xavier was that if he was still in love with her. But another part of me didn't want to know that answer. I was confused as hell. Even more confused than when I was in the lectures during my university times. 

I couldn't ask him to stay right? I wasn't even sure of his feelings but yet I want him to stay with me? Just keep on dreaming, girl. How I wish I was those typical female lead in drama who had a guy to stay beside them in their times of need. But it will never happen to me because life will never be the same as drama. Worse of all, it is always unpredictable. This made me to have a love hate relationship with life.

Brushing away all my thoughts, I bade farewell to him and saw him driving away before I let out a sigh and stepped into the hospital.

End of chapter 22!!! I'm sorry that it is a rather shitty chapter because I don't even know what I'm writing most of the chapter :((( 

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