Chapter 23

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Xavier's POV

"What do you want, Sabrina. Make it quick because I don't have all the time in the day." I asked her with much irritation as she was sitting down, taking her own sweet time which is pissing me off so badly. 

"Xav, just take a seat first." she replied in a sweet tone which I find it so annoying now. I dragged out a chair and placed it far away from her because the smell of her perfume is choking me. She tried to stretch out her hand to grab mine but thankfully, I had fast reflexes so I managed to take my hand away in time. Her face dropped slightly at this, but returned to her usual fake smile. 

"Xav, can we get back together? I know what I did 6 years back was wrong but it was unintentional and I had been reflecting upon it for so long." I was sure she took up some acting lessons over this past few years because she already had some unshed crocodile tears in her eyes, trying to gain some pity from me but sorry, ain't no falling for that trick. I was mentally scolding myself, why did I even fall for someone like her back then? I'm sure I was out of my minds because of school. 

"Let me get some facts right in your head, in case you are still confused about them. First of all, stop calling me Xav because it really annoys me hearing it coming out from your mouth. Secondly, I'm married. Thirdly, we will never ever get back together because you see, I'm married and I don't love you anymore." I lifted up my ring finger to show her my wedding ring, the proudest I've ever been. 

She seemed to be shocked at what I've told her but it was something she had to remember because there's no way we would go back to the past again. She took a sip of her tea before continuing, "So, it's really impossible between us? Do you... do you really love that girl?" I didn't even hesitate to answer her question, "Yes, I love her. She's someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with. With that, I hope you will find someone like that too. And I hope you won't make the same mistake with the person you love. Goodbye." I left the cafe after she finally came to her sense that we will never be together again, she apologised and wished me luck. 

I finally felt free after settling the problems between me and Sabrina, because now I can finally confess my feelings to Hailey, only after she had finished settling her mother's funeral. Driving at the fastest speed I can, I rushed to the hospital. When I reached the morgue, I could hear faint sobbing and I knew who was it. 

A few days later... 

We had agreed to bury her mother on a piece of land which I've purchased a few years ago after I persuaded her for hours, I swear I had an ulcer growing in my mouth after all the begging and pleading. She told my parents about the passing of her mother and my mother was hugging her every few minutes during the time she told her about it and I swear she had a few times where she almost lost her breath. My mum and her hugs could probably kill someone someday and I won't even be surprised. Hailey seemed to have lifted her spirits by a little but was still feeling down. I need to do something about that. And my confession that I've prepared like a century ago. 

I texted Hailey this morning that I won't be home for dinner tonight because I wanted to give her a surprise. I had decided to whip up a dinner for her, of course with the help of my mother through a video call because she was afraid that I might set a fire in the house. I went home at around 4.30pm in the afternoon after attending the last important meeting for the day and cancelled the rest which can be scheduled for another day. 

My mother was right, I was so thankful that she was on video call with me because I would have left the chicken on the stove while cutting vegetables and everything would have gone into the drain. I ended the call right after everything was done and my parents started teasing me about the dinner date. Urgh, typical them. 

I took almost 3 hours to prepare and cook everything, in addition that nothing was burned so it's an achievement for a first timer like me. I went to my room and took a quick shower before I set up the table and made it look "romantic". 

When it was about 7.30pm in the evening, I heard the clicking sound of the door and I knew that she was back. She saw the spread of dishes on the table before she saw me standing beside the table, before widening her eyes and asked, "I thought you're not coming home for dinner. Did you order a take out? I could have cooked something." 

I frowned slightly before answering, "Hey, I cooked all these, they are not take outs." Her mouth opened slightly upon hearing that, she thought I couldn't cook? Hah, I bet she didn't expect that. I internally smirked to myself, great way to start off the date, show her something she didn't know and something I'm good at and show it off.  She smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of her neck, "Sorry, I didn't know you can cook so well. But they look really delicious." I swear she looked so cute that I want to give her a kiss on the lips right now. Control, control, control. 

"Go wash your hands and we can start eating. After dinner, I have something to tell you." I smiled at her before she gave me one of the biggest smile I had ever seen, after the passing of her mother. Something inside me tells me that tonight is going to be wonderful. 

End of chapter 23!!!! I sincerely hope nothing will interrupt them during their little time spent together in the next chapter!! 

have a great day ahead!!

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