Chapter 13

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Xavier's POV

Waking up with a splitting headache, I looked around the room and realised that I was back in my room and there were pills and a glass of water prepared by the bed stand. I took the pills and gulp down the water in one mouth. I swear to god I'm never going to drink with Caleb and the rest ever again. All of a sudden, I realised that I had forgotten to inform Hailey yesterday night that I was not going to have dinner. Shit

I took a quick shower before I headed downstairs. There was a plate of pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs with a cup of coffee and a note with it that said, "Eat your breakfast before taking the pills. Hope your hangover isn't too bad." a pang of guilt just hit me in the face. I had her waiting for me the whole night but yet she still prepared breakfast and the pills for me. I felt something strange tugging at my heart, and I was thinking to myself, 'Maybe this marriage could work out eventually?' 

After having breakfast, I dressed up and was about to leave home but I decided to check out the fridge. I saw several dishes were piled up and wrapped up nicely in cling wrap. Another wave of guilt just hit me. I should apologise and thank her about yesterday night. I fished out my phone and decided to send a text message to Hailey. I texted, "Hi, thank you and sorry about last night. Can we go out for dinner tonight?" I felt that the message was kind of short but I sent it anyways and with that, I left for work. 

During work, I was glancing at my phone occasionally, hoping for a text message from her but there was none. Caleb came into my office without knocking as usual, he just plopped himself down on one of the seats. We had been best friend since high school and we had each opened up our own company but I swear this guys acts as if he was jobless and would always wander about in my company.

"Hey Xav, just curious, when will you ever introduce your wife to us? James had been pestering you for quite a while and I'm actually pretty curious to see her too." I rolled my eyes at him, and said, "Soon, I will introduce you guys soon but not now." Caleb then pouted like a 3 year old before my phone buzzed. I immediately picked my phone up and saw a message from Hailey. It said, "Sorry but I won't be free tonight. Maybe some other day? Oh and by the way I won't be able to cook dinner tonight so you can heat up the dishes in the fridge." my smile faltered a little and it came with a frown, was she angry at me about yesterday? I typed back an okay with a small frown on my face. 

"Aww... is someone whipped already?" Caleb shot a wink at me and I kicked him in the shin which he groaned in pain. He then left my office after that. Great. I felt like I just got rejected and being punished right now. sigh. 

I got home around 9pm today and the house felt lonely and cold tonight, I wonder why. I took out the dishes from the fridge and tossed them into the microwave. The dishes still tasted delicious even though they were reheated. I finished up and washed the plates within 20 minutes. It was around 10.15pm and I realised that she was still not back. I frowned a little and wondered where she had went to when it was already so late. Just when I was about to text her, I heard a click on the door indicating that she was back. 

I turned around and saw her exhausted face, I shot her a question before she could open her mouth and ask me, "Have you eaten?" she nodded her head slightly and replied, "Yes, I did. Sorry I'm kind of tired right now so I shall head up, good night." I muttered a good night to her before she climbed up the stairs while I went back to my room. 

I wanted to ask her where did she go but I stopped myself. She doesn't look like her usual self, wait, maybe she's still angry at me about yesterday? Was that why she was avoiding me tonight? A ton of questions were flooding my head but I had no answer to those questions. I could find myself getting more and more curious about her with each passing day and there was this strange feeling in my heart. It feels like there was a string that's pulling me towards her and somehow my heart beat could increase drastically whenever I see her or even talk to her. 

Am I falling for her? With all the numerous questions wandering in my head, my eyelids turned heavier with each passing second and I eventually fell asleep. 

End of chapter 13!! finally some feelings developed weeeee !! sorry for the short chapters because we are actually celebrating Chinese new year here and I've been busy cleaning up my stuff and didn't have the time to update so I could only do short chapters within a day heheh 

I don't think I can think of any questions right now because I'm sooooo sleepy so goodnight!!

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