Chapter 21

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Hailey's POV

No words can describe my feelings right now. The loss of my mother made me feel an emptiness in my heart. There were so many things that I haven't tell her yet. I didn't tell her about the marriage I had with Xavier, the part time jobs that I'm currently working and the house that I'm trying so hard to keep.

It was just a moment ago I left the morgue and I could feel my legs were giving out on me. I was just about to drop to the floor when Xavier grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back into his chest right in time.

"Please, take me home." that was all I wanted for now. To lock myself up in my room and cry about the loss of my mother, the only flesh and blood I have left on this world, had left me too. Xavier nodded in silence which then continued holding me until we reached his car and we drove back home in silence.

Upon reaching home, I went up to my room and locked myself away from everything. I sat at one corner of the room, pulling my knees to my chest and started letting all out. I haven't cried like this ever since I found out about my mother had cancer 3 years ago.

I had always pretended to be strong in front of my mother because I didn't want her to feel as though she was a burden to me. I cried for a long time and somehow managed to fall asleep halfway through.

Xavier's POV

As soon as we reached home, Hailey didn't speak a single word and headed straight to her room. I could hear faint sound of her crying in her room and it made me to have an urge to break the door down and hug her tightly.

But she needs some time alone to accept the fact that her mother was gone. And I will wait until she was ready to face everything and I will accompany her step by step.

I took a quick shower then I sat outside her door, as I was scared that she might leave the house or something. It was about 2.30am in the morning her crying had stopped and she probably fell asleep. Knowing that she wasn't crying anymore, my eyelids finally felt heavy and I drifted off the sleep despite the uncomfortable position I was sitting in.

I was woken up in the early morning due to some shuffling noise in Hailey's room. She was up so I decided to knock on her door, "Open up, Hailey." There was no response. I was dead worried because as far as I know, she didn't eat much since last night. I knocked again, still no response. 

I ran to the storage room, remembering the fact that I had kept some spare keys for each room in case of any emergency. Taking out a box of spare keys, I rummaged through them and found the keys to Hailey's room. Inserting the key into the knob, I scanned through the room but realised that she was nowhere to be found. I then headed to the toilet and saw that she was lying unconscious on the floor. 

My heart skipped a beat, it's not possible that she would do anything silly right? I immediately scooped her up from the floor, placed her on her bed and fished out my phone to dial for the doctor. 

I was holding her hand tightly throughout the entire checkup and I refused to let go, scared that she might slip away unknowingly. The doctor concluded that she was still suffering from the loss of the mother so she fainted due to stress and also the fact that she was severely dehydrated. After knowing about what to include in her diet, the doctor left. I then headed to the toilet to get a piece of dampen towel to place it on her forehead since she was still feeling slightly feverish. 

All of a sudden, my phone started ringing which I almost fell flat on my face while trying to dash out of her room to pick up the call. It was my mum calling. 

"Hello son, do you and Hailey have time tomorrow evening? We would want you guys to join us for a dinner because it's been so long since both of you have visited us and we wanted to know how you guys have been doing." 

"Uh mum, actually, we won't be able to make it tomorrow night because we have some things going on right now so we are not free." I didn't want to worry my mum about it and I want to give Hailey some peace and quiet after everything. 

"Wait, is there something wrong with the both of you guys? Did you guys quarrel or what? Son, be nice to her because from what your father and I could tell, Hailey is a really sweet and nice girl so don't be such a douchebag to her." I could hear my dad asking my mum if he could talk to me but my mum shooed him away. 

I sighed before continuing, "It's not that we're fighting, mum. It's just that Hailey had some family problems  and I have some important meetings too, but we promise to visit you and dad soon. All right, we have to leave for work now, bye love you guys." I hang up the phone before my mum could ask me more questions which I might be left speechless. It was Hailey's decision whether to tell them about her mother so I didn't want to tell my mum until Hailey agrees. 

I called Alex that I won't be heading to the company for maybe 4 days, so I told him to send whatever important documents to the house. There was no one to look after Hailey and I didn't want to hire some random stranger in my house to look after her. After all, we are married and she's my wife so I have the responsibility to look after her when she's sick. 

End of chapter 21!!! here's the sweet and caring side of Xavier!! I'm really shocked this morning to see that there were 140 views on the book!! thank you for reading once again! 

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